“Life is a train that stops at no stations; you either jump abroad or stand on the platform and watch as it passes.” -Yasmina Khadra


3 min readApr 10, 2023


Are you in your late teens? or early 20s? and want to know what to focus on in this period of your life?

I’ve got your back , today we’ll talk about how your 30s are not the new 20s, what areas to focus on , and lastly what you should avoid.

This article is based on the book, the defining decade, the advice I’ve been blessed with from wiser people and my experience and opinions.

DON’T miss the wagon: 30 is NOT the new 20:

As much as we’d like to believe it, unfortunately it is a lie! our 20s are a critical time to set the foundation for the rest of our lives, if wasted “we’ll be playing catch-up in our 30s”-Meg Jay, which is stressful and scary , just imagine missing the train to paradise knowing that it might never come back! your only destination is hell , scary isn’t it !!! well it’s the same thing, you miss the train of life although I am not claiming the impossibility of creating a life you want in your 30s or 40s even 70s, that would be too bold! anyway here is why:

  • Women have a biological clock with no control over , so if you want a family…
  • Once we hit our 30s our brain is fully developed hence it gets harder to take risks and form new habits.
  • For a lot of us we’ll have more responsibilities in our 30s , marriage,family, kids, work…
  • our bodies aren’t the same , we get older and by 10 years , surprise!


  • Relationships: finding a romantic partner, with the intention of marriage and kids. Building meaningful friendships, a relationship with your parents and siblings. And a strong network. We are built to connect so why deprive ourselves of it?
  • Health: Get your diet and workout straight. Any damage that is done to your bodies will only amplify with time if not tended to.
  • Faith: Religion is an aspect that can be easily forgotten although it is a key ingredient for a meaningful life, it gets you through hard times, makes life easier and finally paradise in the after life.
  • finances: If you want to have a corporate job, focus on applying for as many jobs as possible, then climb the corporate ladder. If not then focus on doing your own thing , get started why are you waiting for the “perfect time”.
  • skills: our brains aren’t fully developed until 30 so use the neuroplasticity to learn new skills, languages… while it’s easier!

What should we avoid? SIMPLE making dumb decisions

picking our partners without too much thought, wasting our money on things we cannot afford, eating junk food, lazing around, wasting time on social media, hanging out with friends that aren’t really friends…. you name it it’s endless.

how should i start?

Write down these categories and for each one set an ideal goal , then ask yourself :What is a tiny actionable step I could do everyday to get closer to my goal? And do it! Daily (if you didn’t know).

Thank you for reading , I highly apreciate it , stay alert for the next one! bye.




I am an architecture student who loves reading self help books, and is commited to balance school, martial arts, self dev and starting an e-comerce business.