Some exercises and preliminary tips for singing

2 min readNov 7, 2022


1: Be sure to practice under the supervision of a music teacher.
Why? Doing a singing technique wrong can hurt your voice.
If you feel that your voice is not strong enough, it is due to improper use of the larynx and vocal cords.
If you don’t have the financial ability to go to school and study under the supervision of a singing teacher, use the educational CDs available in the market or other samples available on YouTube. You can also ask your friends who have attended singing classes for help.

2: Find the range of your voice

Why? Because singing a song that is not within your voice range puts a lot of pressure on your voice and larynx.

How to find the range of your voice? Mixed production sounds are actually a combination of low ranges (chest production sounds) and high ranges (head production sounds). To see the type of exercises on “YouTube”, search the word MIX VOICE and VOCAL FRY.
3: Stand up straight

How? With one leg slightly ahead of the other, try to stand up straight, lean your chest forward and shoulder-width back, this posture will help you breathe more easily and expand your lungs for Improve the performance of notes and words, keep your face and jaw relaxed and comfortable.

4 Breathe correctly

Why? Your voice works exactly like a wind instrument, the act of breathing makes up 80% of singing and a proper performance begins and ends with proper breathing.

5: Strengthening self-confidence

It must be accepted that today’s singers, especially pop singers, do not have a significant voice range.

But they provide unique performances that are attractive and catchy visually and even audibly. It depends on only one important factor: self-confidence.

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Refer here for training in voice making and singing.