5 Ways To Pitch a Website for Guest Posting

Zahra Batool Butt
6 min readJun 1, 2020


What is Guest Posting?

Freelancing is an entirely different, unique, and yet, a progressive task. If one starts freelancing with proper guidance and research, it can prove to be fruitful. To start freelancing is not a big task, as it seems or sounds but a proper set of instructions, a few Ebooks, articles, and videos can help a lot. Once a person begins freelance writing, the next step is to pitch the websites to work for them as freelance writers. If you are a beginner and seeking a quick guide of freelancing, read it here.

We live in a world where every second person is talented and has skills to write, read, and create. It sometimes becomes difficult to find what you actually seek, for instance, if a person or a team launches their own website of anything really such as; an online shopping platform, a writing company, a health clinic, and a lifestyle website, etc. they will seek writers, the writers which can create quality content for them, with a new idea, that is creative yet, engaging and enigmatic to get traffic on their website. Now, these websites always are exposed to new ideas and blog posts for their sites, and consequently, they have a feature of “Write For Us” at the top of their site.

The newbie writers, who do not have any experience but have a lot of new and engaging ideas, pitch those sites through e-mail, but this e-mail must be engaging and eye-catching because as soon as they will get the time from their busy schedule, they check the ideas of new creative topics, people have written in the e-mail. Now, most of the new writers do not have the proper style of writing this particular e-mail, and because of that their idea is rejected or they do not get a chance to write for these sites, get paid, and featured. In this article, we will discuss to pitch these websites, with an eye-catching and engaging e-mail, so here are the five ways.

1. Target a Blog

Not only one or two rather, but there are also a lot of blogs that are giving newbies an opportunity to start off with a great income per article. At the start, it will be miserable to target a blog, read their instructions, and write according to the set of rules but once, you start to learn this technique, it is a greater help in your career of freelancing as well as a great achievement for the portfolio. When I started freelancing, I targeted many blogs but soon, I got to know they are not free for guest posting but I am mentioning a few names here for the sites, which do not ask for any fee and even pay for the great, creative ideas.

Websites’ Name:

  • LiisBeth.com The best website and platform for the feminist writers and motivational speakers.
  • Linode.com The best site for ads of products and services and blogs on the reviews of their products
  • FreshBooksBlog The best website for the advises and tips for SMEs.

2. A Greeting Is Must

After targeting a blog you must go for the e-mailing process. Before start haranguing the editor that you have a work experience of these many years or you are working under these companies and you have written a hundred many articles, greet the team first. Greetings should be precise, brief yet, unique. For instance,

“Hey! This pandemic has made the lives so difficult, yet here I pray that you are in the best of your health and are keeping up with life bravely.

This will help them, unravel and interpret your writing style, your courtesy, and your determination towards the work.

3. Introduce Yourself

Once, you have done greeting them, make sure to introduce yourself now before sharing the ideas. Because the website’s editor must know how qualified you are and what are the reasons, he must let you write for their site. You do not have to make it a fuss or so false rather, it must be a bit appropriate and true. For instance,

I am Zahra Batool Butt, a freelance content writer, blogger, and poet. I have work experience of more than three years and I have been working as a ghostwriter on Fiverr, Upwork, or (any other site you wanna mention). I saw your website and I find myself highly qualified as the niche, your website work under is similar to my expertise and I have a lot of ideas for this site too.

You can also write the name of any website where they can easily find your published work, you can write it as, “I am a published writer at Medium.”

4. Start Sharing Your Ideas With Captivating Titles

Right after all those steps, it is time to share your ideas in the e-mail. Your ideas must have written with eye-catching titles because if you are going to say that I have an idea: “How to lose weight in 30 Days” that is not even a bit intriguing and your e-mail will be rejected immediately. If you have an idea, for instance saving money in a month, entitle it like:

“This girl became popular in the school because she saved a hundred dollars, wanna know how? Here are the ten ways to save your money and live happily.”

The title is 10 Ways to Live Happily/Save Money but what will intrigue the editor is the presentation skill and your storytelling method. This will have more chances of getting selected rather than just stating the title like a boring phrase.

5. Brief and Summarize Your Idea

There will be a lot of e-mails in which people have tried to present this idea of saving money in ten or more ways but what will make your blog or article different and how will they know that you can create the quality content for them? The key to that is summarizing your ideas while summarizing your idea you must keep a few tips in mind:

  • Use storytelling method in the start
  • Do not forget to add comic relief
  • Elaborate some of the unique ways that are not on the internet
  • Use headlines and interrogation in the text
  • Make it look a bit archaic and classical, with a flabbergasting vocabulary.

Your E-mail at the end must look similar or better than that:

“Hey! This pandemic has made the lives so difficult, yet here I pray that you are in the best of your health and are keeping up with life bravely. I am Zahra Batool Butt, a freelance content writer, blogger, and poet. I have work experience of more than three years and I have been working as a ghostwriter on Fiverr, Upwork, or (any other site you wanna mention). I saw your website and I find myself highly qualified as the niche, your website work under is similar to my expertise and I have a lot of ideas for this site too. I have got a real quick idea here “This girl became popular in the school because she saved a hundred dollars, wanna know how? Here are the ten ways to save your money and live happily.” In this article, I will talk about:

  • Why this girl got popular?
  • How it affected her social circle
  • Did it increase the number of her friends?
  • Ways of Saving Money, such as; Self-control, avoid to keep a lot of money with you, stop spending on unnecessary things, make a proper portfolio from the start of the month.

Even if you would not get selected, do not lose hope, and even if you get a reply that is a big achievement because at least they have considered your e-mail and have read it. Happy Guest Posting.



Zahra Batool Butt

I am Zahra, Head of Growth at many businesses. Writing is something that helps me grow individually too. So, why not? Follow my Instagram @zahrabatoolbutt