People with Dark skin!

Zahra Nazeer
3 min readMar 12, 2022


"People having brown or black skin"

A type of human skin color that are rich in melanin pigments, especially eumelanin.
Darkly pigmented skin has many better function, including a better barrier to water loss, stronger cohesion. But people in our clique don't want to dark-skinned. Because it is not expectable to our clique. Mostly girls don't want to be dark-skinned. But i have no issue with my skin. To avoid the darkness they use many whitening cream. Even nowadays boys are using these tactics to be white. I don't know how to stop these things but i am writing to describe my opinion about dark-skinned.

Skin color matters because we are a visual species and we respond to one another based on the way we physically Present."

Conventionally people with very dark skin are often referred to as "black people". There are other words that can be used as dusky, swart, swarthy brunet etc.But the most regularly used is the black. To all intents and purposes it starts when children are young the moment a child is nee relatives start comparing siblings skin colour. It starts in your own household but people don’t want to talk about it publicly.

I know it is very common in every Asian Family from the moment we’re born, we open our eyes and we know that everything black is bad, in view of the fact that, people don't like dark skin in Asian countries. Forget others we too don't like dark skin. Sadly in our clique whenever a child with dark skin is born the first reaction that comes from the nurses is agonizing that for a moment parents thought that the child is a girl. From that point the bitter life of children starts. A perfect skin from perfect life in our clique. While someone says to me that they are color-blind, it's hard to veto that they are not only color-blind but they also use it alternative way to judge someone’s personality or character.

Dark-skinned individual not only faces discrimination from the narrow-mindedness society but will also be discriminated against by Black society," says Campbell. All people with darker skin are at risk of self-esteem, dignity and their liking and unlike hat is immoral and unbearable i guess.

In many families when members have different shades of skin color, when one member has a dark and other has white tone unforeseen to society . Then skin tone will become more important than everything belongs to you wether it meant for how good are you, how pure are you, how white is your heart, how talented are you, how dedicated you are ....... It doesn't matter to society if you have dark skin then you are dark.

In fact the tone of your skin will decide how your life is going to be, skin tone will decide that if you are dark then your life will be also dark . If you are the only black to be born in your family then you are so unlucky to have such skin tone unfortunately. conventionally a person with darker skin have dark life. Here i am saying "dark life." mean you don’t have choices you can’t decide to marry whom you want to marry just because you are with dark skin.

"Skin color matters because we are a visual species and we respond to one another based on the way we physically Present."



Zahra Nazeer

Hello, I am Zahra Nazeer, and I am blogger. All my experience that I have gathered from my writing field actually helped me to be more skilled.