Facebook Advertising Trends 2017- The Smart Ad Display

zahra lan
2 min readNov 6, 2017


Facebook Trends 2017

Facebook, a diverse social app is incorporating best possible attributes to enhance the app as much as it can to stand ahead of the competitors. Recently it announced a better means of ad display with its new strategy- COLLECTIONS, an ad unit which may be the helping hand for social media marketing company. The Collections takes the responsibility to cocktail video, product images, canvas- style elements in to a single post.

Facebook offers the freedom to select the main element of the ad, i.e. a video or an image with the collections of relevant products listed underneath. By this Facebook caters the largest open platform for ad campaign to display your advertisements facing a huge customer base for PPC Optimization. As per the existing product catalogue, you have self-sufficiency to decide whether you gonna choose the featured products to be displayed or pass the same over Facebook. In case Facebook has to step in for the task, it will optimize the display based on viewers’ mindset to engage them in the best possible way for a greater ROI.

Collections proffers a page-by-page display to pull out a product listing of up to 50 items and showcase them to the customer with a single click on the ads. In the same way as the canvas ads, the ad display mode in Facebook is like a tiny website with product tabulate. Users can get the full screened display of the product by clicking on a particular product though currently purchase option is not provided through Facebook, which may be a future prospective. But as per report, visitors will be redirected to the product landing page to make their purchase by clicking on the product image.

Following a survey regarding video content’s applicability, Facebook push the video ad first as video on social Medias can influence the users to exercise their purchasing power. It offers a brand which is at once current yet appealing way to Facebook marketers or digital marketing agencies to drive more and more visitors for conversion optimization.

With “collections” once again Facebook proves prime edge. Its smart moves towards social media marketing services to offer its users a huge advantage that make them stick to the app to avail its services, thereby enhancing its customer base.


With such exciting occurrences in this new Facebook feature Collections, it can be stated as a daunting feature, which helps to enhance your business presence in the world of web with their effective and creative ad formats. With the increasing immersive experience and clicks happened in the collections over your business ads may help to reach the targeted potentials of your business, which is also available to the advertisers on the instagram. Now enjoy ad posting on Facebook.



zahra lan

zahra lan helps people and their companies identify key areas of opportunity and create and execute strategies that realize their vision.