How Exercise Change Me

Zahratunnisa Ekaputri
4 min readSep 4, 2022


Regular exercise improves my mental health tremendously. How about you?

My lifestyle was sedentary. I have no interest in sports and working in desk job. Then covid-19 lockdown happened in 2020. It was the hardest 3 months lockdown. Every shop, except essentials, was closed. I was alone far from home. My friends and family used to visit me, but no more since travel restriction.

Coming to the gym was hard at first. I was an overweight girl, alone, not familiar with the environment. It was challenging but I pushed myself to come to the gym. In my first training, my form was bad, I had zero knowledge on how to use the equipment. So, I got a trainer to teach me. It was good until lockdown forced me to switch to home workout. With on/off lockdown, exercise in the gym become harder. Lockdown stressed me out. I needed an outlet to release it. So, I chose exercise to clear my mind. Also, it aligned with my goal to lose weight.

“You’re only one workout away from a good mood.”

I went to the gym 3–4 times a week if it was open. In conjunction with that, I started to pay more attention on my food. With time, I become conscious about the food I am eating. For my training, I focus on weights, progressive overload in deadlift, squat, and bench press. Then after some time, I started to incorporate running into my training. I did interval running so that my body could adapt to it. I started with 10 minutes running. As a surprised, I enjoyed it and my body run faster. Amazed with the result on my weight training to my body, I researched about the effects of doing strength training to running. Study shows regular strength training has tremendous effects on runners. You can run faster and improve endurance in longer period. I was pleased with this fact as it was unexpected.

My upper body was weak. I hate push ups. But as I was doing bench press, I was shocked I could do push up in a breeze. Moreover, doing that three-compound movement strengthen my core. I am delighted with my training result. Initially, I chose that three movements because I needed a focus in my fitness journey. But the training outcome has greater impact on my strength and endurance.

After 15 months, I got my goal weights. I continue my training program afterwards. I challenge myself with other workouts. My actual goal was to lose weight but over time it shifted to to have better mental clarity.

For me, consistently going to the gym changes my life. Not only my physical but also my mental.

To be honest, my mental health improves significantly after I go to the gym in regular basis.

The consistency of going to the gym is bleeding into my other areas of my life. Everything else in my life begins to fall in place.

Things I learn from going to the gym consistently:

1. I just need to get better from before

During my training, I want to feel better than yesterday. I want to progress in my training no matter how small. So, I add repetition or set or weights. Anything that challenge me than before. That kind of attitude bleeding into other area of my life. I began to research in which area I can improve. I started to want to have better finance, career, and relationships. I like my life better now. Not comparing myself to other person. Everyone has their own time and strength to progress. So do life. It is so liberating that the only comparison is yourself.

2. I am in control of my life

It started from my weight loss journey. I was unable to control on how much I lose weight per day, but I could control what I eat and how I move. So, I could create a calorie deficit to lose weight.

Also, I have better routine since I go to the gym. I plan my day, thus I know what to do and expect in a day. It gives me a sense of control of my life. I am the one who responsible for my life. I stop playing victim.

My life is my responsibility.

I do have a few things I cannot control but focusing on things I can control give me power. The feeling, that you can transform your body — you are in control of your life, is so empowering.

3. I can do anything mindset.

I proof to myself that I can change my body. It was challenging but with consistent action, I crushed my goal.

It boosts my confidence, my self esteem is soaring.

If I can change my body, so I can change another aspect in my life. I am a bit skeptical about it, but now since the hard proof is reflected in the mirror, I know I can do it. Also, it makes me believe I can do anything in this life. I have the formula which translate into

have a goal, breakdown into plan, and do it consistently.

Guarantee the result. It will take times, a little bit tweak here and there, but I believe I will get there.

