These VSCode extensions will change the way you code!!

4 min readAug 9, 2022

Its 14:30PM and I’ve completed all the blogs that I’ve been writing since past few days and now I guess its tIme to post them. In this blog you'll learn about these great extensions that I found on VSCode that could make your code look better. Visual Studio Code is one of the most used IDE and make your experience much more better , here are few extensions one has to install in order to enhance their experience in VSCode.

Bracket Pair Colorizer

The VS extension Bracket Pair Colorizer matches corresponding brackets in your code with the same color. This is a great help when you’re working with things like nested components, objects, or functions that all have brackets or parentheses. With this simple extension, it’s much easier to find matching pairs and understand your code. The biggest advantage of this extension is improved navigation and accessibility. It also makes it easier for others to read and understand your code

Better Comments

Better Comments is an extension used for writing human-friendly comments in your code, which is helpful for you and anyone who is reading source code (especially for teams). Descriptive, human-friendly comments save so much time for everyone involved.With this VS extension, you can use the following characters after a double forward slash // to add easier commenting:

  • * for highlighted text
  • ! for errors and warnings
  • ? for queries and questions
  • // for strikethrough
  • todo for to-dos

CSS Peak

CSS Peak is a great extension for web developers, as it allows you to “peek” at the styles for CSS classes, ids, and even HTML tags. This extension is similar to the Brackets feature called CSS Inline Editors.CSS Peak supports symbol definition tracking for any CSS selector, for example:

Peek: load a CSS file inline for quick edits (Ctrl +shift+F12)

  • Go To: jump directly to a CSS file (F12)
  • Hover: show the definition when hovering over a symbol (Ctrl+hover)


The Prettier extension is a formatter that helps to keep code style consistent. You can configure your settings however you need and save with shortcuts. Prettier is one of the most popular code formatters out there, with over 38.5k stars on GitHub.Prettier will automatically fix formatting issues in your code, like fixing the mix of single and double-quotes or an irregular use of semicolons.

Relative Path

Relative Path is a great extension for writing import statements. You can easily get the relative path for any file using shortcuts in your workspace. Instead of searching for file’s location, you only need the file’s name, and the extension will provide the relative path from the current location to that target file.


The GitLens extension combines the capabilities of Git with VSCode that allows you to visualize code authorship via Git. GitLens is great for understanding code better, so you can learn who, why, and when code was changed. It also allows you to explore the history and evolution of a codebase.It also has many other features to use such as:

  • Revision navigation through file history
  • A current line blame annotation at the end of the line showing the commit
  • A status bar blame annotation for the commit and author who last modified the current line

Import Cost

The Import Cost extension helps with productivity by showing the estimated size of an import package. This helps to avoid issues by tracking the size of added dependencies. If an import is too large, the Import Cost extension will warns you so you can reconfigure based on the requirements you set.

Markdown All in One

Markdown All in One is a very useful extension for all things markdown related. It adds features like auto-preview, shortcuts, syntax autocomplete, and more. Markdown is commonly used across many tech fields, and this extension makes it even easier to work with, boosting productivity and speed.

With Markdown All in One, you can use shortcuts to alter text and add things like bold, italics, etc. It also has useful automations for working with things like lists and math. Here are some common commands:

  • Create Table of Contents
  • Remove section numbers
  • Toggle code block
  • Print current document to HTML

This was it for this blog ,Hoping to see you guys soon.




On a journey of becoming a full stack developer and using medium as a medium to showcase my journey. SCHOLAR BATCH A22-@CODEFORINDIAFOUNDATION!