Why Pakistani people are so confused about work?

2 min readApr 1, 2023


Pakistan is a country where the youth is struggling with unemployment and a lack of career opportunities. The education system is not equipped to provide students with practical skills and knowledge that are needed to excel in the job market. Moreover, the job market is highly competitive, and a vast majority of the population is underqualified for the available jobs. This leads to confusion among the people regarding the type of work they should pursue. Many people are unsure about their career path and struggle to make a decision, which results in them taking up jobs that they are not passionate about or do not have the required skills for.

Another reason for confusion among Pakistani people about work is the lack of guidance and mentorship. There is a dearth of career counselors, and people often rely on the advice of their family and friends, who may not have the necessary knowledge about the job market or the individual’s strengths and weaknesses. This results in individuals being ill-informed about the job market and the available opportunities, leading to confusion about their career path. Therefore, the government and private sector must work together to provide better education and training opportunities, along with guidance and mentorship, to help the people of Pakistan make informed decisions about their careers.




Virgo, Passionate for my work,Writer, Music lover, Trying to become a good person.