Attention Is All You Need: The Core Idea of the Transformer

Zain ul Abideen
6 min readJun 26, 2023


An overview of the Transformer model and its key components.


In this blog post, I will be discussing the most revolutionary paper of this century “Attention Is All You Need” by (Vaswani et al.). First I will cover the self-attention mechanism and then move towards the architectural details of the Transformer. In the previous blog post From Seq2Seq to Attention: Revolutionizing Sequence Modeling, I discussed the origin of attention mechanism and Bahdanau attention. In this blog, I will be building upon the previous information. So if you haven’t checked out the previous post, go check it out. Bahdanau attention model uses 2 RNNs and an attention mechanism to assign weights to the encoder’s hidden states. In the “Attention is all you need” paper, the authors have gotten rid of all the RNNs. They have introduced a new architecture that does not use recurrence instead it totally relies on the self-attention mechanism. Let me explain what self-attention mechanism is:

Self-Attention Mechanism

Self-attention mechanism enables the model to capture dependencies between different positions within a sequence by attending to all positions simultaneously. In the previous blog, we discussed the use of query and key-value pairs to calculate attention scores. The attention scores determine the importance or relevance of each key-value pair to the given query. Self-attention extends this mechanism to operate within a single sequence without requiring external inputs.

Image source: Intro to Deep Learning by Sebastian Raschka

In the above figure, you can view the self-attention mechanism. Let me explain the figure from left to right. First of all, we have an input x. We multiply this input with the trainable weight matrices (Wq, Wk, Wv). As an output, we get query, key, and value matrices. We use query and key matrices to find their similarity. The above figure has only taken the dot product, but in transformer architecture we also scale it. The output of this dot product is attention weight (a). In the same way, we will calculate attention weights for all the inputs x(t). When all the attention weights have been calculated, a softmax function is applied to normalize the dot products, producing attention weights that sum up to one. The attention weights obtained from the softmax operation are used to compute a weighted sum of the value vectors. This weighted sum represents the self-attended representation for each position in the input sequence. The strength of self-attention lies in its ability to model both local and global dependencies within a sequence. It captures contextual information from the entire sequence, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the relationships between different positions.

Scaled Dot Product

As mentioned in the above paragraph, we don’t only use dot product to find relevance. But we scale it as well by a factor of the square root of key dimension (dk). This helps in making sure that the dot-products between query and key don’t grow too large for large dk. If the dot product becomes too large then the softmax output will be very small. To avoid this, we scale the dot product.

Multi-Head Attention

Multi-Head Attention is just an addition to the self-attention mechanism. It allows the model to jointly attend to different positions and learn multiple representations of the input sequence simultaneously. By performing multiple sets of attention computations in parallel, multi-head attention captures diverse aspects of the input sequence and enhances the model’s ability to capture complex dependencies. Each attention head has different query, key and value matrices.

Mult-Head Attention

The outputs from different attention heads are combined and transformed through linear projections, resulting in a final representation that integrates information from multiple perspectives.

Transformer Architecture

The Transformer architecture, introduced in the “Attention Is All You Need” paper, consists of several key components that work together to enable effective sequence modeling. The major components are encoder, decoder, positional encoding, residual connections, layer normalization, multi-head attention block, masked multi-head attention block, and feed-forward network.

Transformer Architecture

We have already discussed the multi-head attention block. Masked multi-head attention is the same as that but with one change in it. We mask subsequent sequence elements. i.e., only allow to attend positions up to and including the current position. This is achieved by setting softmax values for those to negative infinity.

Encoder: The left part in the transformer architecture is the encoder part. It consists of one multi-head attention block, one feed-forward network, and multiple residual connections and layer normalization. It takes embeddings of the input sequence along with positional encodings added to it. In the original paper, they used 6 encoders.

Decoder: The right part in the transformer architecture is the decoder part. It consists of one masked multi-head attention block, one simple multi-head attention block, one feed-forward network, and multiple residual connections and layer normalization. It takes embeddings of the output sequence along with positional encodings added to it. In the original paper, they used 6 decoders.

Residual connections and Layer normalization: Residual connections, also known as skip connections, are direct connections that bypass one or more layers in a neural network. In the context of the Transformer architecture, residual connections are used to connect the output of a sub-layer to its input, allowing the original input to flow through the layer unchangedLayer normalization is a technique used to normalize the activations within a layer of a neural network. It aims to improve the training stability and generalization by reducing the internal covariate shift, which refers to the change in the distribution of activations as the network learns. Layer normalization is applied independently to each neuron or feature, normalizing its values across the mini-batch dimension.

Feed-Forward Network: In the Transformer architecture, a feed-forward network is a component that operates on each position independently and identically within each layer. It is responsible for transforming the representations of the input sequence within the self-attention mechanism and the position-wise feed-forward sub-layers. Two linear transformations are applied to the output of the self-attention mechanism with the Relu activation function after the first transformation.

Positional Encoding: Embeddings of input and output sequences are concatenated with positional encodings. These encodings inject information about the relative positions of elements in the sequence.

Sine and Cosine functions for positional encoding

Learned positional embeddings and embeddings through sine and cosine functions produced nearly equal results during language tasks.

I will be covering the evaluation metrics, training methods, decoding methods at inference, and other minor details in another blog post in which I will implement Transformer architecture from scratch.

Closing Remarks

In conclusion, the “Attention Is All You Need” paper introduced a groundbreaking architecture known as the Transformer, which revolutionized the field of sequence modeling. This architecture relies heavily on the concept of self-attention, allowing it to capture dependencies between different positions in the input sequence. The Transformer’s attention mechanism enables it to model long-range dependencies, handle variable-length inputs, and achieve state-of-the-art performance in various natural language processing tasks. The architecture introduced in this paper has been used by many language models which I will discuss in upcoming blogs. In the next blog post, I will be covering in detail the Autoregressive models like GPT, GPT-2, and GPT-3.

Thank you for reading!

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