Best LLM Inference Engine? TensorRT vs vLLM vs LMDeploy vs MLC-LLM

Zain ul Abideen
6 min readJul 6, 2024


Benchmarking various LLM Inference Engines.


LLMs excel in text generation applications, such as chat and code completion models capable of high understanding and fluency. However, their large size also creates challenges for inference. Basic inference is slow because LLMs generate text tokens by token, requiring repeated calls for each next token. As the input sequence grows, the processing time increases. Additionally, LLMs have billions of parameters, making it difficult to store and manage all those weights in memory.

In the effort to optimize LLM inference and serving, there are multiple frameworks and packages and in this blog, I’ll use and compare the following inference engines

  • TensorRT-LLM
  • vLLM
  • LMDeploy

1. TensorRT-LLM


TensorRT-LLM is another inference engine that accelerates and optimizes inference performance for the latest LLMs on NVIDIA GPUs. LLMs are compiled into TensorRT Engine and then deployed with a triton server to leverage inference optimizations such as In-Flight Batching (reduces wait time and allows higher GPU utilization), paged KV caching, MultiGPU-MultiNode Inference, and FP8 Support.


We will compare the execution time, ROUGE scores, latency, and throughput across the HF model, TensorRT-model, and TensorRT-INT8 model (quantized).

You need to install Nvidia-container-toolkit for your Linux system, initialize Git LFS (to download HF Models), and download the necessary packages as follows:

!curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg \
&& curl -s -L | \
sed 's#deb https://#deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg] https://#g' | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-container-toolkit.list
!apt-get update
!git clone
!apt-get update && apt-get -y install python3.10 python3-pip openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev
!pip3 install tensorrt_llm -U --pre --extra-index-url
!pip install -r TensorRT-LLM/examples/phi/requirements.txt
!pip install flash_attn pytest
!curl -s | bash
!apt-get install git-lfs

Now retrieve the model weights

!rm -rf $PHI_PATH/7B
!mkdir -p $PHI_PATH/7B && git clone $PHI_PATH/7B

Convert the model into TensorRT-LLM checkpoint format and and build the TensorRT-LLM from the checkpoint.

!python3 $PHI_PATH/ --model_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/ \
--dtype bfloat16 \
--output_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/trt_ckpt/bf16/1-gpu/
# Build TensorRT-LLM model from checkpoint
!trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/trt_ckpt/bf16/1-gpu/ \
--gemm_plugin bfloat16 \
--output_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/trt_engines/bf16/1-gpu/

Similarly, now apply INT8 weight-only quantization to the HF model and convert the checkpoint into TensorRT-LLM.

!python3 $PHI_PATH/ --model_dir $PHI_PATH/7B \
--dtype bfloat16 \
--use_weight_only \
--output_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/trt_ckpt/int8_weight_only/1-gpu/
!trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/trt_ckpt/int8_weight_only/1-gpu/ \
--gemm_plugin bfloat16 \
--output_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/trt_engines/int8_weight_only/1-gpu/

Now test the base phi3 and two TensorRT models on the summarization task

%%capture phi_hf_results
# Huggingface
!time python3 $PHI_PATH/../ --test_hf \
--hf_model_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/ \
--data_type bf16 \
--engine_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/trt_engines/bf16/1-gpu/
%%capture phi_trt_results
# TensorRT-LLM
!time python3 $PHI_PATH/../ --test_trt_llm \
--hf_model_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/ \
--data_type bf16 \
--engine_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/trt_engines/bf16/1-gpu/
%%capture phi_int8_results
# TensorRT-LLM (INT8)
!time python3 $PHI_PATH/../ --test_trt_llm \
--hf_model_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/ \
--data_type bf16 \
--engine_dir $PHI_PATH/7B/trt_engines/int8_weight_only/1-gpu/

Now after capturing the results, you can parse the output and plot it to compare execution time, ROUGE scores, latency, and throughput across all models.

Comparison of Latency and Throughput

2. vLLM


vLLM offers LLM inferencing and serving with SOTA throughput, Paged Attention, Continuous batching, Quantization (GPTQ, AWQ, FP8), and optimized CUDA kernels.


Let’s evaluate the throughput and latency of microsoft/Phi3-mini-4k-instruct . Start by setting up dependencies and importing libraries.

!pip install -q vllm
!git clone
!pip install -q datasets
!pip install transformers scipy
from vllm import LLM, SamplingParams
from datasets import load_dataset
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
from transformers import AutoTokenizer

Now let’s load the model and generate its outputs on a small slice of the dataset.

dataset = load_dataset("akemiH/MedQA-Reason", split="train").select(range(10))
prompts = []
for sample in dataset:
sampling_params = SamplingParams(max_tokens=524)
llm = LLM(model="microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct", trust_remote_code=True)
def generate_with_time(prompt):
start = time.time()
outputs = llm.generate(prompt, sampling_params)
taken = time.time() - start
generated_text = outputs[0].outputs[0].text
return generated_text, taken
generated_text = []
time_taken = 0
for sample in tqdm(prompts):
text, taken = generate_with_time(sample)
time_taken += taken

# Tokenize the outputs and calculate the throughput
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct")
token = 1
for sample in generated_text:
tokens = tokenizer(sample)
tok = len(tokens.input_ids)
token += tok
print("tok/s", token // time_taken)

Let’s also benchmark the model’s performance through vLLM on the ShareGPT dataset

%cd vllm
!python benchmarks/ --backend vllm --dataset ../ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json --model microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct --tokenizer microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct --num-prompts=1000

3. LMDeploy


This package also allows compressing, deploying, and serving LLMs while offering efficient inference (persistent batching, blocked KV cache, dynamic split&fuse, tensor parallelism, high-performance CUDA kernels), effective quantization (4-bit inference performance is 2.4x higher than FP16), effortless distribution server (deployment of multi-model services across multiple machines and cards) and interactive inference mode (remembers dialogue history and avoids repetitive processing of historical sessions). Furthermore, it also allows for profiling token latency and throughput, request throughput, API server, and triton inference server performance.


Install dependencies and import packages.

!pip install -q lmdeploy
!pip install nest_asyncio
import nest_asyncio
!git clone --depth=1
%cd lmdeploy/benchmark

LMdeploy has developed two inference engines TurboMind and PyTorch.

Let’s profile the PyTorch engine on microsoft/Phi3-mini-128k-instruct .

!python3 microsoft/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct --backend pytorch

It profiles the engine over multiple rounds and reports the token latency & throughput for each round.

Pytorch engine profile for token latency and throughput



MLC-LLM offers a high performance deployment and inference engine, called MLCEngine.


Let’s install dependencies which includes setting up dependencies with conda and creating a conda environment. Then clone the git repository and configure.

conda activate your-environment
python -m pip install --pre -U -f mlc-llm-nightly-cu121 mlc-ai-nightly-cu121
conda env remove -n mlc-chat-venv
conda create -n mlc-chat-venv -c conda-forge \
"cmake>=3.24" \
rust \
git \
conda activate mlc-chat-venv
git clone --recursive && cd mlc-llm/
mkdir -p build && cd build
python ../cmake/
cmake .. && cmake --build . --parallel $(nproc) && cd ..
conda activate your-own-env
cd mlc-llm/python
pip install -e .

To run a model with MLC LLM, we need to convert model weights into MLC format. Download the HF model to by Git LFS then convert weights.

mlc_llm convert_weight ./dist/models/Phi-3-small-128k-instruct/ \
--quantization q0f16 \
--model-type "phi3" \
-o ./dist/Phi-3-small-128k-instruct-q0f16-MLC

Now load you MLC format model into the MLC engine

from mlc_llm import MLCEngine
# Create engine
model = "HF://mlc-ai/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct-q0f16-MLC"
engine = MLCEngine(model)

# Now let’s calculate throughput
import time
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
start = time.time()
response =
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "What is the Machine Learning?"}],
taken = time.time() - start
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct")
print("tok/s", 82 // taken)


TensorRT INT8 models outperform HF models and regular TensorRT with respect to inference speed while the regular TensorRT model performed better on the summarization task with the highest ROUGE score among the three models. LMDeploy delivers up to 1.8x higher request throughput than vLLM on an A100.

Special thanks to QueryLoopAI for sponsoring the compute of these experiments.

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