Exploiting SSRF like a Boss — Escalation of an SSRF to Local File Read!

Zain Sabahat
3 min readNov 22, 2018


Hi Guys!

Greetings everyone! Today I am doing another write-up about one of my best findings. It’s an SSRF — Server Side Request Forgery vulnerability I discovered in a private program.

In the scope page, the program had few IPs with only Server-Side bugs acceptable in its scope. I picked an IP and started my recon process on it. I found a subdomain https://help.redacted.com hosted on that IP through Reverse IP scan. I used HackerTarget’s Reverse IP lookup tool http://api.hackertarget.com/reverseiplookup/?q={IP}”

The subdomain was running a Jira instance. I quickly remembered the Alyssa Herrera’s article about SSRF Exploitation in Jira instances. I checked the version of the Jira and it seems vulnerable to the SSRF.


Successfully rendered google.com and verified the existence of SSRF.

Now I was able to render any webpage through that vulnerable endpoint or I could have converted it into XSS by loading an external page but as I have told earlier that the company was only interested in Server-Side and network related issues so I had to dig more.

None of the protocols i.e. gopher://, file://, ldap:// or ftp:// were working except http://. It was an azure instance so I tried to fetch the metadata file of the instance from the uri: https://help.redacted.com/plugins/servlet/oauth/users/icon-uri?consumerUri= but I got nothing but a blank JSON response.

Now I needed to think out of the box. I started playing with the endpoint. I tried to load localhost ( from the uri and it loaded the main page. An idea clicked in my mind that there might be some services were left running on internal ports. I started by the most common port 8080. And then as I thought, I was welcomed by GlassFish server’s default page.

After seeing that I quickly reached to the default administration console at Port 4848. It was the login page of GlassFish server.

Sourcecode of GlassFish Administration Console at Port 4848.

I searched for the GlassFish exploits and hopefully, I found a GET based exploit: “https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39241/

GlassFish Exploit — Read Server Files

I crafted that payload:


But it didn't work!!

I got really disappointed and I was about to give up. But then I just noticed that there is url-encoding in that exploit and when it is passed through the browser it gets decoded so I may need to double encode it to pass the correct request on to the GlassFish server.

And our final payload was:


Successfully read the /etc/passwd file.

And resultantly, this simple HTTP-Protocol based SSRF was escalated to a local file read by exploiting an internal service.

Kudos to Shawar Khan and HassanKhanYusufzai for helping me to escalate this SSRF to a whole new level.


November 12, 2018 — Reported.

November 12, 2018 — Triaged.

November 13, 2018 — Fixed and Rewarded!

Thanks for reading! More write-ups coming on the way!



Zain Sabahat

23-yo; Sr. Security Engineer | Bug Bounty Hunter | OSCP