Drug Addiction

Zainab Batool
2 min readAug 15, 2020



Problem Statement

A drug is something which affects someone’s body. It is rapidly increasing in Pakistan especially in youngsters. Drug abuse not only affect the life of one person but it also affects people surrounding themselves. It is a social problem not a one person phenomena. In 2005, around 11 per cent of Pakistani drug users were HIV-positive, according to research. That figure had increased in 2011 to 40 percent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_addiction_in_Pakistan#:

Reasons why young people take drugs

To fit in

To escape or relax

To relieve boredom

To seem grown up

To rebel

To experiment

Reference: https://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/drugs/why-do-people-take-drugs.html



I have seen competent students in my University who were use to take drugs. Neglecting their abilities, spoiling themselves, remain in isolation and keep them busy in themselves. Other students also afraid to interact or avoid their company.


I would like to eradicate this curse by

· Counselling them

· Making support groups

· Training session

· Engaging them in various activities

· I would like to use social media also as my weapon.


· Drug Addicted person will never extend his cooperation in expressing his/her drug addiction attitude

· To convince them to leave drugs.

· Being a female can get negative feedback from society


· To bring a drug addict back into the real life.

· To eliminate HIV from Pakistan.

· To enable the drug addicts to use their abilities in constructive ways.

· To eliminate other social evils caused by drug addiction as street crime.


· Healthy Pakistan by reducing the risk of HIV.

· Improvement in relationship among the family of drug addicts.

