Random Acts of Kindness

Zainab Ishtiaq
3 min readAug 11, 2023


Amal B294. Course#2: TeamWork

For my Amal fellowship task, I was required to write a blog over 5 random acts of kindness I do in 24 hours. So here we go!

In the last 24 hours I:

  1. Made DIY Pakistani flags with my lil cousins.
DIY Paper flags that I made with my young cousins. As 14th August is just around the corner

Kids always bring joy! I came up with the idea to DIY these Pakistani flags from whatever we could find at home. We used sticks, color paper, glue, pens and these little creative hands to create some artwork. Being tolerant, playful and inclusive of the young kids around you I believe is an act of compassion and kindness.

2. Appreciated my Amal fellow mates

Appreicating B294 fellows

Being apreciative of your colleagues in their efforts is crucial to a comfortable and growing community. Hence i commented some kind works on some of my fellows works

3. Spending time with family

I believe it is an act of love and compassion, to take out time for your family out of your busy schedule. My Father is from Sialkot, hence we like spending time with my Uncle(Tayabu) and his family on every other weekend. We drive from Lahore and spend the weekend with them.

My grandma’s 50 year old house in Sialkot. That’s my lil niece! she calls me phopho❤

4. Giving my Papa a massage

I express my love and compassion for my parents by giving them random massages any time of the day. That i believe is also an act of kindness.

5. Leaving happy sticky notes all over the place

Sticking positive notes for every person around me

Being appreciative and acknowledging the efforts of everyone around you is also an act of kindness.


