2 min readJun 2, 2023

How To Use a Spanner Tool: A Step By Step Guide

Using a spanner tools may seem daunting at first, but with a few basic steps, it can become second nature. A spanner tool is a basic tool that is essential in any toolbox and can be used for a variety of tasks, from tightening nuts and bolts to loosening stubborn screws. In this step-by-step guide, we will explain how to use a spanner tool correctly and safely.

Step 1 — Familiarize Yourself with the Spanner Tool

The spanner tool has two open ends, one small and one large. The smaller end is used for nuts and bolts of smaller diameters, while the larger end is used for those with larger diameters. Familiarize yourself with your spanner tool and its different sizes and shapes before beginning.

Step 2 — Grip the Nut or Bolt Appropriately

When using a spanner tool, it is necessary to grip the nut or bolt correctly. If the grip is too loose, the spanner may slip off, but if it is too tight, it may be challenging to remove. The key is to find a balance between holding on firmly but not too tight that you damage the nut or bolt.

Step 3 — Position the Spanner Correctly

After gripping the nut or bolt, the next step is to position the spanner tool correctly. The tool must be aligned correctly with the nut or bolt so that it grips it tightly. The end of the spanner must be placed over the nut or bolt firmly, with the jaws of the spanner fitted well onto the flat sides of the nut or bolt.

Step 4 — Turn the Spanner Tool

Once the spanner tool is correctly positioned, you can now turn the tool to tighten or loosen the nut or bolt. Use the force to turn the spanner tool in either direction until the nut or bolt has been fully tightened or loosened, depending on the job you are doing.

Step 5 — Properly Store the Spanner Tool

After using the spanner tool, it is essential to store it properly to protect it from damages. You can store it in a toolbox or hang it on a hook, as long as it is kept in a dry area and away from dust or moisture.

In conclusion, a spanner tool is a handy and versatile tool that is easy to use once you know how to use it properly. Remember to follow these simple steps to get the most out of your spanner tool. With practice, you will be able to use it with ease and perform tightening and loosening tasks with confidence!


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