5 things you need to tell yourself!

Zaynab A. Khan
2 min readMay 13, 2024

We often find ourselves being bombarded with too much out there. Sometimes, Life becomes chaotic and we often feel like giving up. And not everyone has that someone in their lives who can encourage and motivate them. It gets pretty hard to hold onto things we intend to get done. However, giving up shouldn’t be an option either.

In this blog, I’ll put up what you need to tell yourself to be encouraged and motivated.

1. It’s easy for me

Whenever you see yourself facing a challenge or embarking on a new journey. Then do tell yourself, it’s easy for me. This makes your subconscious mind think and feel positively about the given task. No matter how challenging something is, a positive approach and the right mindset always propel you towards great accomplishment as well as immense learning.

2. Focus on the present

We mostly pace back and forth between the past and the future ignoring the beautiful present which is right in front of us. We tend to ignore the possibilities in the present as we pay unnecessary attention to the past and future. Having past regrets and future worries can never contribute to our growth. Hence, we should only focus on the present and should strive to make it better.

3. Everything is temporary

Everything is temporary and so are the worries and chaos we experience. We often put unwanted pressure on ourselves by thinking of the worries and tensions in our personal as well as professional lives that we forget to smile and have fun. We become agelast and take it as a sign of growing up. However, growing up doesn’t entail being serious and sophisticated all the time. We should remind ourselves that everything is temporary including our very own existence and this should make us laugh more and worry less.

4. Mind your own business

Human as social beings get acquainted with many people through their lifetime. Everyone is different and has a different take on life. You can’t be someone and someone can’t be you. We are all structured differently. Hence, we should respect each other’s opinion and mind our own business. Minding our own business can save us from getting into unnecessary drama and unwanted things. Don’t be concerned with how someone’s doing or how they do what they do. Just focus on your life, your goals and your family.

5. I love myself the way I am

It is often believed that no one would love you if you don’t love yourself enough. We often have an urge to get acceptance from the society and the people around us that we deliberately mold ourselves to fit in. You need to remind yourself that the right kinda people will always find you and will stick to you in every situation. You wouldn’t even have to ask them. Love yourself and be kind to yourself every day. You’re special and you should acknowledge it.

