Aryans and Vedic Civilization

Zainab Qureshi
7 min readAug 28, 2023


Aryans came to sub-continent also their social life, religious life, economic life. Aside from this, Vedic religious book and its major parts as well as sub-parts.

Aryans: Tall, well-build, fare, muscular, and malitary strong

Aryans, the rising sun, having come to sub-continent after the Dravidiens and the non-Aryans, as a matter of fact, had tall, well-build, muscular; fare, and beautiful eyes. They were heighted and strong since Aryans abound in expertise of new skills: military art also cultivation of lands. Over and above, their superiority made at the beck and call over aboriginal (Dravidians and Non-Aryans).

In military art, Aryans knew all tricks as well as all techniques of sword, arrow, bows; lances, spears, and axes. Aside from this, in cultivation of lands, well build people had knowledge of producing new crops the reason way their crops, wheat, barley, cotton, and oil seeds growth so high. Also, they knew how to give water to the lands, and Aryans did not do animal grazing.

Dravidians and Non-Aryans: Dark skin, Uncivilized life

The few point, especially, are still moving around on this area that Aryans came from where! Well, some of the historians were saying that Aryans came from “Central Asia” to sub-continent while others were describing that they reached to Indo-Pak from South Russia and Austria.

Central Asia: said that Aryans came from Central Asia to Sub-continent

Nevertheles, Aryans came from Arctic region which exist upper pole in the Globe although a few said that we thought they did not came outside as they were aboriginal of sub-continet.

Therefore, this is true that Aryans came from outside not aboriginal of sub-continent.

Besides that, European’s historians were saying that they came before 14th century to Indo-Pak while Indian researchers mentioned that Aryans came between 2000B.C. and 1500 B.C. Aside from this, people preferred that Europeans’s opinion is correct. Also, Aryans entered from North-West side to Indo-Pak.

Furthermore, the exits answer about the reason behind leaving their original land! May be the deficiency of food, Lack of water; due to high temperature were the reason behind to leave their original land.

Moreover, when they came to Indo-Pak, they decided in order to make their territories in the land which exist netween Kabul and Saraswati River while the major issue was the aborigional who were Dravidiens and non-Aryans.

Well, Apple of discord among Aryans, and Dravidian and non-Aryans were an open secret that the land Lord were of these lands were aboriginal, but they wanted from it. After fighting at the eleventh hour aboriginal decided to divide into three parts: one who does not change and not ready to accept a dog in the manager policy left this land although they face the music since they knew Aryans were fall flat, and really face the music. Such group was start living in the forest or in the mountain.

Gaon Indian Movie

One of the best example which was showed in the Indian movie which name is “Gaon”. Actually, Gaon moie is about a group of people who did not change the new ideas rules, developments of the British in India, so they decided to live in the forest according to their own old principles. Same the case explained in the Aryans’s history when they came so some of the Dravidians left this land, and start living in the forest or in the neat mountains.

Aside from this, some of people who were ready to adopt the new rules, policies, and developments of Aryans made friendly alliances with them.

Family system

On the basis of their social life, they were living in the family wise system. The head of family was a father, and mother had house hold responsibilities. Also, female had prestigious rank also education had given to daughter at father’s house. On the similar way as well, several families (which was called Grihapati) combine made Village (which was called Grama), and the head of village was called Gramani.

Additionally, many Grama (villages) combine to make Vis/clan which was leaded by a head called vispati.

Lastly, several Vis/clan combine to make a tribe which was leaded by king/ Rajan, so there were living styles among groups. Moreover, both gender were wearing jullery of Gold, and their dresses were made up of wool and skin. Also, traditionally dresses were Nivi, Paraidhana, and Adhivasa. Their chief food was vegetable, milk, fruits, and meat, but the two major drinks were Sura and Soma. Addition to, they were enjoying Dancing, hunting, music of Drum, Lute, Dicing, and Chariat-racing.

On the basis of religious life, Aryans were getting religious education of Veda, which is the most popular religious book in history, in the Ashram which was an institution where people going through four stages in the life with Gurus.

The first stage was called Brahmacharya which start from birth to 25 year old, and people get education had hard life with Guru. The second stage was called Grahastha which basically started from 25 up to five years. In which they spent life with wife, children and house hold with honestly. The third stage was called Banaprastha in which the process was called from 50 to 75 years in this stage. They left their homes, families, and they started life in the forest, just eating fruits, leaving, and roots also they were doing meditation there.

In the last stage which is called Sanyasa which stared from 75 to 100 year in which religious restricition were ended, and a person would be free. The only education was getting from Veda religious book. Veda is actually divided into major three parts collection point of view, different parts of view, and sutra point of view.

On the collection point of veda divided into four sub-catagories: Rig-Veda, Sane-Veda, Yajurveda, and Atharveda.

Rig-Veda was composed in the 14th century, and it was the most plus oldest literature of Vedic age in which tem mandales sections of 1028 hymns of suktas. At was said that Rishis had been revealed hymns. As well as, Rig-veda told about social, economic, political, and religious life of early Aryans.

Same-Veda derived from verses of RigVeda which consit of Musical and melodic aspects of recitation and chanting during rituals. Similary, it was divided into various book.

Yajurveda told about social, religious condition of later vedic period. In this book, nature-worship taken by a mechanical form of religious based on a system of elaborate ceremonies requiring services of priests, and class dominate over Vedic social sytem.

Aside from this, Atharveda described about healing, magic, Domestic rituals, philosophical conept, and more practical life. This book was composed in the later 11 century of four collections. On the different parts of Veda, the first part was called Samhitas: core text of each Veda include hymns, prayers, mantras dedicated various deities and natural forces. It was written in Verse. The second part was called Brahmanas: in this book many prose compositions deal with sacrificial rites and ceremonies. The four part was called Aryanyakas: this book told about forest treatises, and it was contain religious speculations which means studies in the solitude of the forest.

In the fifth part called Upanishads: it told about philosophical and mystical texts that explore nature of reality, self (Atman) ultimate truth (Brahman). It also show cultimation of Vedic through foundation of Hindu Philiosophy. As well as, it represent concluding teachings of the Vedas. In the Sutra point of view, it was divided into major three parts: Six vedanges, six manalson kalpa, and six Darsanas/

On the other hand, their God was divided into four parts: terrible god, Atmospheric god, Heavenly god, and Favorite god. Terrible god consists of Parithvi, soma, and Agni. The atmospheric god consists of Indra, Maruts, Parjanya. Also, the heavenly god consists of Varuna, Dyaus, Mitra, and Vishnu. Aside from this, Favroit god consists of varnuna (God of sky, Indra) God of thunder.

On the contrary, Aryans were economically riched because they had skill of lands, and they were doing trading with foreigners. Coins were unknow they gave and purchase through barter (you give wheat I give rice) exchange cattle reaning cows, horses, goats and domestic animals.

Once they get an advantage ground in north-west then jog off the ground of Himalia mountain and Allah Abad now its led by the nose then move up to Deccan been Kept the whole central sub-continent under their central although their backbone was new skills of arts and economically strong; therefore, Dravidians to lose ground.



Zainab Qureshi

Zainab Qureshi: a creative polymath, a book reviewer, a creative writer, a painter, a content creator.