20 VS Code shortcuts for Mac and Windows users to 10X productivity

3 min readDec 19, 2022


Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash

Here are 20 keyboard shortcuts that can help increase your productivity in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) on both Mac and Windows:

  1. Ctrl + P (Windows) or Command + P (Mac) - Quickly open files by typing the name or path.
  2. Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows) or Command + Shift + P (Mac) - Bring up the Command Palette, which allows you to search and run various commands.
  3. Ctrl + Shift + [ or Ctrl + Shift + ] (Windows) or Command + [ or Command + ] (Mac) - Move between open tabs.
  4. Ctrl + K, Ctrl + S (Windows) or Command + K, Command + S (Mac) - Open the Keyboard Shortcuts editor, where you can customize and assign your own keyboard shortcuts.
  5. Ctrl + (Windows) or Command + (Mac) - Toggle the integrated terminal.
  6. Ctrl + W (Windows) or Command + W (Mac) - Close the current editor tab.
  7. Ctrl + Shift + W (Windows) or Command + Shift + W (Mac) - Close all editor tabs.
  8. Ctrl + Tab (Windows) or Command + Option + Left/Right Arrow (Mac) - Switch between the most recently used editor tabs.
  9. Ctrl + 1-9 (Windows) or Command + 1-9 (Mac) - Switch to the specified editor tab, where the number corresponds to the position of the tab.
  10. Ctrl + Shift + E (Windows) or Command + Shift + E (Mac) - Open the Explorer panel, which allows you to browse and manage files and folders.
  11. Ctrl + Shift + F (Windows) or Command + Shift + F (Mac) - Open the Search panel, which allows you to search for text within your project.
  12. Ctrl + Shift + G (Windows) or Command + Shift + G (Mac) - Open the Source Control panel, which allows you to manage version control with Git.
  13. Ctrl + Shift + D (Windows) or Command + Shift + D (Mac) - Open the Debug panel, which allows you to debug your code.
  14. Ctrl + Shift + X (Windows) or Command + Shift + X (Mac) - Open the Extensions panel, which allows you to manage and install extensions.
  15. Ctrl + Shift + A (Windows) or Command + Shift + A (Mac) - Open the Actions panel, which allows you to search and run various actions.
  16. Ctrl + Shift + U (Windows) or Command + Shift + U (Mac) - Open the Output panel, which displays output from various functions.
  17. Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows) or Command + Shift + I (Mac) - Open the Integrated Terminal panel.
  18. Ctrl + Shift + Y (Windows) or Command + Shift + Y (Mac) - Open the Debug Console panel.
  19. Ctrl + K, Ctrl + C (Windows) or Command + K, Command + C (Mac) - Add a comment to the selected text.
  20. Ctrl + K, Ctrl + U (Windows) or `Command + K, Command + U (Mac) Remove Line Comment

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A lifelong learner and passionate about all things code. From building websites to creating software applications, I love bringing ideas to life through coding.