9 strong reasons why smart JavaScript developers learn TypeScript

3 min readDec 22, 2022
Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash

TypeScript is a programming language that is a super set of JavaScript, meaning that it includes all of the features of JavaScript and adds some additional features on top of it. Learning TypeScript can be beneficial for a number of reasons:

  1. Improved type checking: TypeScript adds a type system to JavaScript, which can help catch bugs and improve the reliability of your code. With TypeScript, you can specify the types of variables, function arguments, and return values, which can help prevent unintended type mismatches and make it easier to understand the code.
  2. Better code organization: TypeScript’s type system can also help you write more organized and modular code. For example, you can use interfaces to define the shape of an object, or use classes and inheritance to define relationships between different types of objects. This can make it easier to reuse code and maintain a large codebase.
  3. Improved development experience: Many modern code editors and IDEs have good support for TypeScript, which can make it easier to write and debug code. For example, many editors will highlight type errors as you type, or provide auto-complete suggestions based on the available types in your code.
  4. Stronger ecosystem: There are a growing number of libraries and frameworks…




A lifelong learner and passionate about all things code. From building websites to creating software applications, I love bringing ideas to life through coding.