How Medhat Zaki is Helping Entrepreneurs Become Successful in any Business in any Market

Medhat Zaki
3 min readAug 28, 2023


Succeeding in business is a rewarding process, albeit a challenging one.

Entrepreneurs might have a great idea, zeal, and a good plan to execute but still fail to reach the potential they envisioned. Factors such as shifting market trends, not understanding finance rules, failure to use the correct systems, and unforeseen challenges, sometimes get in the way.

Nonetheless, some businesses manage to stay afloat, growing slowly, while others eventually fold. In fact, statistics show that a majority of new businesses don’t last for more than two years.

But it’s not all gloom. Those who manage to make it enjoy a fulfilling journey. And one way to speed up the process is by having mentors who have been through the process and succeeded in business to guide you.

One such person is Medhat Zaki — an accomplished entrepreneur, mentor, and business growth consultant.

For Medhat, his success alone is not enough. What brings him fulfillment is sharing his long-acquired knowledge and teaching others about building a successful business.

Important Learning Steps

One of the reasons Medhat is passionate about helping other entrepreneurs is because he has been there. He knows what building from the ground and seeing it crumble means.

From an early age, he has been hardworking and enterprising — traits that made him start his first company at the adorable age of 16 years.

It wasn’t until he turned 25 that Medhat Zaki made his first million, but rather than turn it into sustainable success, he lost it all shortly after. However, he turned his loss into one of his most important learning steps.

He went back to the drawing board and figured there was still a lot he didn’t understand in the business world. His systems weren’t working, and if things remained constant, then he was done for. He would never accomplish his goals and become the business mogul he desired to be.

This realization marked the beginning of his journey into deeper learning and a mindset shift. He delved deeper into the world of sales and marketing to understand sales psychology and the approach of the super-rich.

With the newly acquired knowledge, he launched a successful sales career and became one of the most sought-after business growth and marketing consultants in Germany and the Middle East.

Succeeding in any Business in any Market

Besides leading marketing teams and helping large corporations grow their revenues and achieve business goals, Medhat Zaki is also mentoring individuals to take their entrepreneurial journies to greater heights.

He mentors them on having the right money mindset and how to build working business systems through his Medhat Zaki Academy. Now, he is planning on assisting entrepreneurs to take their brands to the international stage.

Together with renowned business author and motivational speaker Brian Tracy, Medhat Zaki is working on a book project — Succeeding in Business in any Market.

Aside from equipping readers with the knowledge to succeed in any market, the book is also meant to create an opportunity for entrepreneurs to co-author, share their thoughts, and expand their credibility to a global audience.

Medhat and Tracy are reaching out to experts in sales psychology, leadership, conflict management, marketing, change management, and other business leaders to contribute to the project. The goal is to share the most practical insights on success in any business. And what better way than to have input from those who have actually succeeded in those markets?

For the co-authoring entrepreneurs, this is the chance to elevate their reputations to new levels and take their brands and businesses to a global audience.



Medhat Zaki

Egyptian-German entrepreneur, sales expert, author, and consultant for businesses in Germany and the Middle East.