Ali Raza Maher, CFA wins the Pantellica OSINT Championship (2023)

Zaki Khalid
5 min readOct 31, 2023


I’m delighted to announce that Ali Raza Maher, CFA has secured first position to earn the title of OSINT Champion (2023) in Pakistan. He is currently performing duties as Assistant Director in the Supervision Division of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), the country’s leading financial regulatory agency. He is actively involved in combatting fraudulent entities and illegal ponzi schemes.

Ali and other competitors were subjected to intense rounds of cryptic riddles for problem-solving spread across four weeks and covering paradigms of Social Media, the Deep Web, Geolocation and Inter-Linked Case (in that sequence). They were designed to maintain a careful blend of mid-level technical and cognitive challenges.

Though not from a strictly technical background and with qualifications in finance and economics, Ali is not unfamiliar with the nuances of OSINT. In fact, out of pure intrigue, he practices relevant tools and techniques for personal as well as professional pursuits. He was neck and neck with another competitor but managed to secure overall first position through a decisive edge in the final round. Our Championship Coordinator (M. Zubair) and I were deeply impressed by Ali’s approach to deconstructing problems before solving them, and also explaining in great detail his adopted methods, records of which were necessary for high scores.

We recently interviewed Ali via email to know more.

Pantellica: How would you describe the overall challenges (type of riddles, hidden clues etc) assigned during four weeks of gameplay by Pantellica (Pvt) Ltd?

Ali: The overall challenges assigned during the four weeks of gameplay by Pantellica (Pvt) Ltd were a unique blend of excitement and difficulty. The riddles presented a formidable challenge that evolved in complexity as the competition progressed. The initial riddles were especially tough for me since it was my first time participating in such an event. However, as I delved deeper into the competition, I was truly captivated by the meticulous design of the riddles.

What I loved most was the attention to detail. These riddles weren’t just thrown together; they were like a well-crafted puzzle that spanned different realms. From delving into the deep web to figuring out geolocations, it was a wild ride. The challenges pushed me to think on my feet, connect the dots, and make sense of seemingly unrelated clues.

Discovering the answers to these riddles was a rewarding experience, as it highlighted the extent to which the team had gone to create a stimulating and intellectually engaging competition; which allowed me to understand what OSINT really means and how it’s different than regular internet research.

Pantellica: Do you routinely incorporate open source research in your line of work?

Ali: My introduction to the world of OSINT happened when I started working for SECP, and it’s had a significant impact on my approach to work. I’ve integrated OSINT tools and techniques into my routine tasks ever since. The skills and tools I acquired during the challenge have become a valuable addition to my professional toolkit, and I foresee using them regularly in my work moving forward.

Furthermore, I’d like to emphasise the importance of promoting OSINT techniques among regulators and professionals in similar roles. OSINT is an incredibly versatile and powerful resource, and I believe that all regulators should receive adequate training in using these techniques. It not only enhances their ability to gather valuable information but also contributes to more effective decision-making and regulatory practices in various fields. Sharing this knowledge and skillset can undoubtedly lead to more informed and effective regulatory work across the board.

Pantellica: Which particular round of gameplay (Round 1, 2, 3 or 4) did you find particularly gratifying to partake in during the Championship?

Ali: Round 2 (Deep Web) and Round 3 (Geolocation) were hands down the most exciting rounds for me. At first, the riddles in these rounds appeared incredibly challenging and somewhat cryptic. But as I delved deeper into them, I found them to be incredibly gratifying to solve. What made these rounds stand out was the process of breaking down the riddles and using the provided clues to navigate the vast expanse of the Internet in search of the correct answers.

What I found most fascinating about these rounds was that there were no vague answers. Despite the seemingly infinite space of the Internet, once you arrived at the correct answer, everything fell into place. The alignment of all the clues and evidence to a single document or geolocation was a boost of confidence like no other. It was like uncovering a hidden treasure in the vast landscape of the Web, and that feeling of accomplishment was truly gratifying. These rounds highlighted the precision and ingenuity of the challenge, and they remain the most memorable and rewarding parts of the championship for me.

Pantellica: Moving forward, how do you intend to apply lessons learned during this Championship?

Ali: The lessons I’ve gained from this Championship are invaluable and directly applicable to my role as a financial regulator. In my capacity as a financial regulator and supervisor of capital markets, it’s crucial to grasp the vast potential of the Internet as a wellspring of information.

The Internet is teeming with data, and it’s not limited to legitimate sources. It also contains a wealth of information related to fraudulent activities, the discovery of Ponzi and MLM schemes, market manipulation and insider trading.

I intend to integrate the tools and techniques I’ve acquired during the championship into my regulatory work. OSINT, in particular, is an exceptionally vital tool for financial regulators. It provides the means to delve deep into online spaces, uncovering illicit financial activities, and staying ahead of potential threats to the integrity of the financial markets. By utilizing the knowledge and skills I’ve gained, I can enhance my ability to identify and combat financial malpractice, ultimately contributing to a safer and more transparent financial environment. These lessons are not just a personal gain but a benefit to the broader financial ecosystem I work in.

Pantellica: What advice would you give to future interested participants in the Championship?

Ali: My advice to future participants in the Championship would be to embrace your inner Sherlock Holmes when tackling these riddles. By this, I mean adopting a highly critical and analytical mindset. Pay close attention to every single word and detail specified in the riddle — they are there for a reason.

Before rushing to the search engine, take a moment to create a thought process and document your initial understanding of the problem. This will help you dissect the riddle and gain a precise understanding of the challenge. It will also serve as a checkpoint to ensure you’re on the right track.

In the world of OSINT, attention to detail and a methodical approach are your best friends. So take your time, break down the problem, and keep a clear record of your thought process. This approach will not only make the riddles more manageable but also significantly increase your chances of success. Good luck!


We congratulate Ali Raza Maher, CFA on this stellar achievement and wish him the best for his endeavours. He is the second entry to be inducted in our OSINT Hall of Fame and will be awarded prize money along with professional recommendations and referrals on LinkedIn and also a signed certificate.

Pantellica (Pvt) Ltd hopes to sustain its tradition of identifying, celebrating and awarding OSINT practitioners of Pakistani origin.

