Zalgo Text Generator

2 min readMar 8, 2022


Zalgo text is a type of text that is designed to be visually disturbing and jarring. It uses a special set of characters that create an effect that is similar to the Lovecraftian creature known as the Zalgo. The goal of using Zalgo text is to create a sense of unease and disorientation in the reader.

How do I create Zalgo text?

There are a few ways to create Zalgo text. One way is to use a special font that has been designed specifically for this purpose. Another way is to use it by generating the zalgo text online through this site. There are also some online tools that can help you create Zalgo text easily but in our site you can directly write your text and generate the zalgo Text.

What are some examples of Zalgo text?

Some examples of Zalgo text include. These examples use a variety of techniques to create the desired effect. You can also experiment with your own combinations to create unique effects.

Is there a specific purpose for using Zalgo text?

While Zalgo text can be used for fun, it can also be used for more serious purposes. For example, it can be used to create a feeling of unease and tension in readers. It can also be used as a way to convey disturbing or violent ideas.

How do I use it?

Using the zalgo text generator is easy. Just type in your normal text into the text box on the homepage and hit the “convert” button. Your text will be converted into glitchy form, creepy form, and zalgo form. You can then copy and paste the text wherever you like.

Can I use it on my website or blog?

Yes, you can use the zalgo text generator on our website. Just copy and paste the code below into your website or blog and the zalgo text generator will automatically appear.

What are the different types of zalgo text?

There are three different types of zalgo text — glitchy form, creepy form, and zalgo form. Each type has a different look and feel. Glitchy form is a bit more chaotic and disordered, creepy form is spookier with an overall dark vibe, and zalgo form is the most extreme with its creepy, disfigured text.

So, what are you waiting for? Use the zalgo text generator to create spooky Halloween texts or just to add some extra creepiness to your messages!




Zalgo Text Generator is a Free tool for converting your Normal text in glitchy Form and also converting in creepy & Zalgo.