How to Find and Breed Dogs in Last Day on Earth Survival. LDOE puppy food

Zaman Noyon
4 min readFeb 12, 2019


I am going to tell you how to find and breed dogs in Last Day on Earth Survival.

The first thing you need to do is build a dog pin. It takes up a 2x3 space and you can’t rotate it yet. You will then need these materials to finish it.

Meanwhile, the first thing you should do when you leave your base, is go to the green zone and farm. After about 30 seconds, a puppy will come up to you. This is your “free” puppy. Go over to him and pick him up. He will be added into your inventory. After this, you will occasionally be able to find additional puppies in the zones, but they are pretty rare. The best places to find them are floppy disk locations and air drops. If you haven’t seen my video on how to do 3 air drops every day, be sure to check it out. There also seems to be a puppy that comes to the pickup at your base right after the horde attacks. Not sure if this is everyday or not, but I’ll let you know soon as I do.

When your dog pen is finished, make sure you add some food. Raw turkey is worth 12 hours of food and raw meat is worth 2.4 hours. This number is then divided by however many dogs you have in your pen. This means that if you have 10 dogs, you will need to kill 100 deer every day to keep them fed. Which is a lot so I mentioned this to the producer of the game and suggested that he change these numbers a little bit. I’ll let you know what he says.

You can then let your puppies out of theit boxes. You can’t give them a custom name which I hope they change sometime in the future, but you can choose between about 25 options.

After you confirm the name, you have to wait 24 hours for your puppy to become a dog. Most dogs start at rank 1 which means they are given one skill. Rank 2 dogs have 2 skills, and so on…

There are nine different skills that a dog can have, but some of them can only be obtained when they are higher rank. Most of these skills are Buffs ranging from 1 to 5% which can provide huge modifications to your gameplay. I have made an extensive tutorial on all 9 of these skills. It includes a description of each one, how to best use some of them to get a rank 4 dog as fast as possible, and other strategies that will help you maximize the dog skills to the benefit of your character.

You acquire higher rank dogs through breeding. WHEN you breed a male and female, which have to be the same rank, there is a chance that their puppy will be will be a higher rank. The new puppy will never be a lower rank than its parents.

But both of the dog parents will run away, leaving you to raise their dog child.

Seriously, that’s not a joke, you will lose those two dogs once you breed them.

So for example, Let’s say you find 10 Rank 1 dog’s, 5 male and 5 female, if you breed all of them, you will lose your 10 dogs and then have five new puppies. When those puppies grow up, I believe all of them will be ranked 2 dogs.

These odds decrease as you breed dogs of higher rank. My guess is that breeding two Rank two dogs have around a 40–50% chance of breeding a rank 3 dog. And breeding 2-rank three dogs have around a 20–25% chance of breeding a rank 4 dog. Now I’m basing those numbers off of my experience while using this buff, which increases the chance of getting a higher ranked puppy by an unknown % so these numbers could be too optimistic.

When you select your dog crate, you will be able to see all of your dogs, how much longer each of your puppies have until they grow up, and the skills they have. You will also notice four slots. This is where you can equip specific dogs to perform tasks. These three slots are designated for dogs to guard your base. These dogs will not attack zombies unless they have the skill “guard dog.” However, it is still worth it is to place dogs in the slots, as the only buffs that get activated are from the dogs in these four slots.

Only dogs with the skill “true friend” can be equipped into the fourth slot. The true friend skill is only available to Rank 4 dogs. I am skeptical of the chances of getting this skill. Kefir has developed a reputation for saying something has been introduced to the game, but the chances are so rare that it may as well not exist.

I would strongly recommend you guys holding off on breeding rank four dogs until it is confirmed that the true friend skill is functionally in the game. I’m not talking about some hacker or mod user unlocking the skill, rather I am encouraging you to wait until the research team can confirm enough instances of people actually acquiring the true friend skill to make it worth all of the work.

Lastly, if you are a player that is wanting to make a purchase to speed up the process of developing the use of dogs in your game, it is way more valuable to spend the $8 on buying a rank 3 dog then buying $8 worth of rankone dogs, even if you buy them in bulk. It takes an average of 8 to 12 rank 1 puppies to breed a Rank Three Dog.

Well that’s it guys, hope that helps. make sure to check out my other video that explains all 9 skills and how to use them to get higher ranked dogs as soon as possible.

Alright. I’ll see you next time.

