How To Answer The Classic “Why Should We Hire You?” Question

Hilarious Responses That Will Make Them Atleast Remember You (lol)

Amna Zafar
4 min readMay 28, 2023

There’s nothing like a high-stakes comedy routine during a job interview. Besides sweating like crazy and having a mini heartattack every second just when you think that you aced everything , the HR throws you a curveball, “Why should we hire you?”

Why is this soooo hard to answer??

You know at this point all we say is mostly a lie beacuse why would we see our selves as goood potential human beings?? Right ???? So here is what I did last year and it actually worked!!! Instead of giving the same old boring answer, why not inject some humor? These funny responses will make HR smile and remember you and might as well call you the next day.

1.) I’m the best at doing coffee runs without spilling:

You know those treacherous trips to the coffee machine that end in coffee stains and spills? Fear not! Highlight your impeccable coffee-carrying skills and let them know you can navigate the office obstacle course without wasting a single precious drop of that precious elixir. You’ll be the caffeine hero the office needs!

2.) My office jokes are terrible, but hilarious:

There’s nothing better than a resident jester to lighten the mood and make people smile. Let everyone know you’re great at delivering terrible but funny office jokes. From puns to groan-worthy one-liners, you’ll have your colleagues laughing their way through even the toughest deadlines.

3.) I can juggle three deadlines, two cups of coffee, and a stress ball at the same time:

The ability to multitask is an essential skill in any workplace, and you’ve taken it to the next level. Show off your multitasking skills, thrown in with a touch of circus-worthy juggling. Let them know you can handle the pressure with grace and a few flashy tricks up your sleeve.

4.) Because I’m a master at finding the best GIFs for every situation:

Communication is the key to effective communication in today’s digital age. The perfect way to express yourself is through GIFs. Tell them you have honed your skills in finding the perfect GIF for any scenario. Whether celebrating a team victory, lightening up a tough meeting, or simply brightening someone’s day, your extensive GIF library will keep everyone in the office laughing and creative.


When asked “Why should we hire you?”, don’t just give the same old song and dance. Instead, spice things up with a little humour and charm to make yourself the cat’s meow and really knock their socks off. By showing your true colours and letting your hair down, you’re not only revealing your personality but also proving that you can bring the funny, spread good vibes, and offer a fresh take to the crew. Don’t hold back, show off your true colours and give the HR squad a taste of your personality in the most hilarious way imaginable!

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About me:


Meet Amna Zafar, a talented writer who has made a name for herself on Medium with a focus on niches that she loved reading about!!!

I have built a following of dedicated readers who appreciate the depth of knowledge and unique perspective. A few months ago, I was a big ball of depression and anxiety, and writing helped me get over this. I believe you have to learn how to walk before you start running, and Medium helped me with that. From making no money to making enough to provide for my family, I have achieved quite a lot in very little time.

I have a unique way of breaking down complex ideas and making them easily understandable for readers of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, my blogs are sure to inform, educate, and entertain.

If you’re looking for valuable insights and actionable advice on how to grow your Medium account or how to bring more traffic to your site via blogs, then look no further than Amna Zafar on Medium.

You guys can also connect with me on LinkedIn: Amna Zafar



Amna Zafar

"Language is the house of the truth of Being" #writer |Potential SEO Based Content Generator| I create mindful content that helps in generating more traffic.