Salesforce Ecommerce Integration — A Comprehensive Guide

Zane Victor
6 min readApr 17, 2024


Salesforce Ecommerce Integration
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The integration of e-commerce platforms with customer relationship management (CRM) systems is not just an advantage; it’s essential for maximizing efficiency and enhancing customer experiences. Salesforce, as a leading CRM platform, offers robust solutions for seamless integration with various e-commerce platforms, empowering businesses to streamline operations and drive sales growth.

How Salesforce Ecommerce Integration Works?

Salesforce ecommerce integration works by establishing a two-way flow of data between Salesforce and your e-commerce platform. This integration allows for automatic synchronization of customer data from your online store — including purchase history, browsing behaviors, and preferences — into Salesforce. Similarly, Salesforce feeds vital information such as past interactions and communication history back to the e-commerce platform.

This seamless data exchange offers a unified view of customer activities, enabling personalized shopping experiences and more effective sales and marketing strategies. Operations are streamlined as manual data entry is reduced, minimizing errors and saving time.

Is Salesforce Good for Ecommerce?

Salesforce is highly versatile and can be tailored to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes:

  • Small Businesses: For newcomers in the e-commerce space, Salesforce integrates easily with platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce through third-party connectors, providing a cost-effective solution without the need for extensive custom development.
  • Growing Businesses: As businesses expand, the robust features of Salesforce come into play, including advanced automation tools and comprehensive analytics capabilities. This scalability is crucial for adapting to increasing demands and complex operations.
  • Large Enterprises: For enterprises with high-volume transactions and complex needs, Salesforce Commerce Cloud offers a bespoke e-commerce solution built on the Salesforce platform, ensuring high levels of control and integration.

Integrate Salesforce with Top Ecommerce Platforms

1. Commerce Cloud

Known for its deep integration capabilities, Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a native e-commerce solution offering features like omnichannel selling, advanced inventory management, and scalability. It’s ideal for businesses looking for an all-in-one Salesforce ecosystem.

  • Omnichannel Selling Capabilities: Allows for the management of sales across multiple channels from a single platform.
  • Advanced Inventory Management: Enables sophisticated tracking and management of inventory levels, reducing overstock and stockouts.
  • Scalability: Efficiently handles increased traffic and transactions as the business grows.
  • Customizable Customer Experiences: Offers tools to tailor the shopping experience based on customer data and behavior.
  • Unified Commerce Data: Integrates data across commerce, marketing, and customer service, providing a 360-degree view of the customer.
  • Integrated AI: Leverages Salesforce’s AI technology, Einstein, to offer personalized shopping experiences by predicting and recommending products that customers are likely to buy.
  • Global Site Management: Supports multiple sites across different countries from a single platform, enabling businesses to easily manage international e-commerce operations with localized sites.
  • Real-Time Analytics and Reporting: Provides powerful analytics tools that offer real-time insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and operational performance, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions quickly.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud integration allows you to manage global e-commerce operations efficiently from a single platform, enhancing scalability, personalization, and cross-channel marketing strategies.

2. Shopify

A favorite among small businesses, Shopify provides a user-friendly interface with numerous third-party connectors for Salesforce integration, facilitating basic data syncing and order management.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Known for its ease of use, allowing small businesses to set up and manage their online stores with minimal technical expertise.
  • Extensive App Marketplace: Provides a wide range of third-party connectors and apps that enhance functionality and integration capabilities.
  • Flexible Payment Gateways: Supports multiple payment methods, offering seamless payment experiences for customers.
  • SEO Optimization Tools: Includes built-in SEO features to help improve the visibility of the online store in search engine results.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensures that e-commerce sites are fully functional on mobile devices, enhancing the shopping experience for mobile users.

Salesforce Shopify integration allows you to synchronize customer data and purchase details seamlessly, enhancing customer service and enabling personalized marketing strategies through simplified data management.

3. WooCommerce

As a free plugin for WordPress users, WooCommerce offers a straightforward approach for those already familiar with the CMS. Integration with Salesforce can be achieved through various third-party connectors.

  • Cost-Effective: Being a free plugin, it offers a low-cost entry point for small to medium-sized businesses.
  • Extensive Customization: Offers vast customization options through WordPress, allowing for personalized designs and functionalities.
  • Strong Community Support: Benefits from a large community of developers and users who provide plugins, themes, and support.
  • Integration Flexibility: Connects with Salesforce through various third-party plugins, each offering different levels of integration.
  • E-commerce Focus: Tailored specifically for e-commerce on WordPress, providing specialized tools and options.

Salesforce WooCommerce integration allows you to leverage WordPress’s flexibility while enhancing customer relationship management through efficient data syncing, improving both customer insights and online sales strategies.

4. Magento

Preferred by larger businesses, Magento’s open-source platform allows for customized development to achieve a high degree of Salesforce integration, despite lacking native connectivity.

  • High Customizability: Allows for extensive customization to meet complex business needs and unique customer experiences.
  • Robust API: Supports powerful APIs for developing custom integrations and extensions.
  • Strong Community and Professional Support: Access to a vast community of developers and a professional network offering technical support and extensions.
  • Scalable Architecture: Designed to support large-scale e-commerce operations with thousands of products and high customer traffic.
  • Rich Set of Features: Includes advanced marketing, SEO, and catalog-management tools that cater to the needs of larger businesses.

Salesforce Magento integration allows you to customize and extend your e-commerce capabilities, providing robust API access for deep custom integrations that align with complex business requirements.

5. BigCommerce

Suitable for growing businesses, BigCommerce provides scalability and advanced SEO and marketing tools. Integration with Salesforce may require third-party solutions or APIs.

  • Enterprise-Grade Scalability: Offers robust scalability options perfect for growing businesses.
  • Built-in Marketing Tools: Comes equipped with marketing features that help drive more traffic and convert visitors into customers.
  • API-Driven Integrations: Provides extensive API support for creating custom integrations with Salesforce and other systems.
  • Multi-Channel Selling: Supports selling across various channels like Facebook, Instagram, and Amazon directly from the platform.
  • Advanced Security Features: Includes built-in security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure PCI compliance.

Salesforce BigCommerce integration allows you to streamline operations by connecting robust e-commerce functionalities with Salesforce’s CRM capabilities, leading to improved customer insights and enhanced operational efficiency.

How To Do Salesforce Ecommerce Integration

Integrating Salesforce with your e-commerce platform can be approached in several ways:

  1. Pre-built Connectors: Many e-commerce platforms offer pre-built connectors or plugins for Salesforce integration, which are easy to use and implement.
  2. APIs: If your platform supports it, using an API allows for more customized integration, providing a direct way to sync data between Salesforce and the e-commerce system.
  3. Custom Connectors: In cases where neither pre-built connectors nor APIs meet your needs, developing a custom connector provides a tailored solution to bridge your specific e-commerce platform with Salesforce.
  4. Middleware Solutions: Platforms like MuleSoft, Boomi, or Jitterbit offer middleware solutions that act as intermediaries to facilitate the integration process between different systems, including Salesforce and various e-commerce platforms.
  5. Hiring a Consultant: For businesses looking for expert guidance and a smooth integration process, hiring a integration consultant or a professional service provider can ensure that the Salesforce integration meets all your e-commerce needs effectively.


Salesforce Ecommerce integration is pivotal for businesses aiming to enhance their online sales operations and improve customer interactions. By understanding the different methods and platforms available for integration, businesses can choose the most appropriate strategy to optimize their e-commerce efforts and achieve sustained growth.

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Zane Victor

Writer by Choice, Salesforce Consultant by Profession. Helping businesses in their decision making process to choose best Salesforce solutions.