Are you superstitious?

Sameh Zankalony
2 min readMar 17, 2023


Are you superstitious? Do you believe in things that are not based on reason or scientific thinking, but on magic, chance, or supernatural influences? Do you have any rituals or practices that you follow to avoid bad luck or attract good luck?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Many people around the world have some form of superstition, whether it is touching a lucky charm, avoiding black cats, crossing their fingers, or knocking on wood. Superstitions are often passed down from generation to generation, or learned from culture, religion, or personal experience.

But why do we have superstitions? What makes us believe in things that have no logical explanation or evidence? There are several possible reasons for this. One is that superstitions help us cope with uncertainty and anxiety. By believing that we can influence our fate through certain actions or objects, we feel more confident and in control of our lives. Another reason is that superstitions provide us with a sense of meaning and order. By attributing events to a higher power or a hidden force, we can make sense of the world and find patterns and connections where there may be none. A third reason is that superstitions are influenced by social and cultural factors. By following the beliefs and customs of our family, friends, or community, we can fit in and feel accepted.

Superstitions may seem harmless or even beneficial at times, but they can also have negative consequences. For example, superstitions can lead to irrational decisions, biased judgments, wasted resources, or missed opportunities. They can also cause fear, guilt, shame, or prejudice. Therefore, it is important to be aware of our own superstitions and question them critically. We should not let them interfere with our rational thinking and our ability to act freely.

So what do you think? Are you superstitious? Why or why not? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

