“Account number” or “account number”, are Internet platforms using it wrong? Some platforms have quickly corrected the

DB To Data
5 min readJan 21, 2024


Recently, the topic # Accounts and accounts, many people can’t tell the difference # has been on the hot search, triggering heated discussions among netizens. The author noticed that on different Internet platforms, both expressions “account” and “account number” exist.

To be honest, if it weren’t for this hot search, the author would not be able to distinguish between “account” and “account”; which expression is correct between “account number” and “account number”?

According to the seventh edition of “Modern HE Tuber Chinese Dictionary”, there is only “account number” but no “account number”. “Account number” is explained as the number that the bank assigns to the unit or individual in the account after the unit or individual establishes an economic relationship with the bank. The word “tent” is interpreted as a covering made of cloth or other materials, which has nothing to do with the concept expressed by “account”.

It is worth noting that the “Modern Chinese Dictionary” and “Xinhua Dictionary” have explained the word “account” as “the same old account as ‘account’”, but this only refers to the relationship between “account” and “account” in the past period of time. Internally consistent, it is now used independently.

Therefore, extending to various Internet platforms, it should also be “login account” rather than “login account”. In addition, it is reported that Cao Zhiyun, a member of the Advisory Committee of the National Language Working Committee and a professor at Zhejiang Normal University, said that “account” and “account” should not be used interchangeably, that is, “account number” should not be written as “account number”. However, the author found that in many Internet platforms, the usage of the words “account” and “account” are still incorrect, and there are even cases where “account” and “account” are used interchangeably within the same platform.

1. There are quite a few apps that use “account” incorrectly.

First look at WeChat.

In the WeChat settings interface, all account-related options use “account”;


In the relevant function options in WeChat Wallet, expressions such as “bill” and “account” are used.

Look at QQ again. The wording in QQ is the same as that in WeChat, using “account”;

If you use QQ or WeChat to log in to the game, “account” is also used in the relevant login interface.

In addition, in QQ Space and QQ Mail App, the word “account” is also written as “account”; and in apps frequently used by self-media, such as Subscription Account Assistant and Penguin Account, the word “account” is also expressed as “account”;

However, the Tencent News App is different from other Tencent-owned apps in that it uses the word “account”; however, the “cancel account” option at the bottom of the page uses the word “account”. However, in the latest version, Tencent News App has changed “account” to “account”;

The latest version of Weibo App has changed “Account” to “Account”

Similar to Weibo, although Weibo uses the word “account” correctly in the settings interface, after the user clicks on the “Account Management” option, the expression “Add Account” appears. However, this problem has been fixed in the latest version of Weibo App.

Douban also made timely changes. At present, the login page and related expressions of the Douban platform have also changed “account” to “account number.” ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

In addition, in many apps, the usage of “account” is “account”:

For example, in Starbucks App, just like “account”, “account” is written as “account” in Starbucks App;

In the Zhihu App, all relevant options are expressed in the form of “account”;

In the Toutiao account login interface, use “Account”, but in Douyin App, “Account” is used;

In Baidu App and Baidu Map App owned by Baidu, the word account is also written as “account”;

Xiaomi Mall App also uses the expression “account”;

iCloud settings interface in iOS

App Store “Account” information‍

Windows system “Account Information” interface‍

Even in iOS systems, Apple App Store and Windows systems, the word account is expressed as “account”.

2. It is imperative to standardize the use of words

Chinese characters are a kind of ideographic characters. Therefore, irregular use of words affects the expression and reception of information to a certain extent. Some netizens believe that as long as readers can understand the original meaning, there is no need to correct some “typos”.

Perhaps it is true that daily communication between netizens does not need to be so serious, but for an Internet platform facing a large number of users, irregular word use may not only increase the difficulty of users receiving information and lead to ambiguity in understanding, but also lack of seriousness on the platform itself. , and it is also detrimental to the development of Chinese characters and Chinese culture.

Especially for the majority of teenagers who are learning knowledge and culture, the fragmented reading scene on the Internet is inherently controversial, and a large number of irregular words are more likely to have a negative impact on teenagers’ education.

In fact, in addition to “account” and “account number”, there are also “login” and “login”, “post” and “post”, etc. ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

For example, some websites or platforms will write “log in” as “land in”. In fact, it is not difficult to see from the literal meaning that “land in” means to land from the ocean or river; and “log in” means registration, so The usage of “login account” is wrong. ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

The use of typos like this is usually not a subjective mistake by the platform. There are more or less historical reasons. For example, people use certain typos more often, and over time they “seem” to be correct. There will be ambiguities in the applications of each platform. ‍‍‍‍‍

Then, there should be a final unified standard for the standardized usage of words on online platforms to avoid sloppy and erroneous word usage on various platforms.

Author: DorAemon

Source public account: Sanyan Pro (ID: sycaijing), providing cutting-edge information on new technology, new consumption, and the new future.

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