Structural layer

Zannaty Khatun
7 min readJan 20, 2024


1) Information architecture comparison

Since the information architecture of Wolai and Yuque on the PC and mobile terminals are quite different, the information architecture HE Tuber diagrams of the PC and mobile terminals of the two products are drawn and displayed separately.

The information architecture of WoLai mobile terminal is divided into five parts: homepage, search, today’s shorthand, new page, and notifications.

The PC-side information architecture can be divided into three parts: sidebar, top toolbar, and document content area.

Ilai mobile terminal information architecture diagram

I come to PC information architecture diagram

The information architecture of Yuque mobile terminal is divided into five parts: notes, documents, me, shopping, and messages.

The PC-side information architecture can be divided into three parts: start, notes, collections, browsing, knowledge base, documents, and personal.

Yuque mobile terminal information architecture diagram

Yuque PC information architecture diagram

2) Interaction process

According to the core needs met by the note-taking software, a comparative analysis of the functional operation processes of the two products that are quite different is conducted.

① Note creation and editing process

The two product note creation and editing processes are quite different. The following is a comparison of the creation and editing flow charts of the two.

Let me compare the creation and editing process of Yuque Notes

Essentially, there are two types of note creation in Wo Lai: today’s shorthand and new (sub) page. Yuque also has two types: small note and new document. The function of Wilai’s Today’s Note is similar to that of Yuque’s Note. As a fragmented and fast content recording tool, it helps users save other processes of creating notes and allows users to “take notes as soon as they are opened”.

② Note search process

The search boxes of both products provide part of the content before the user enters the search. In my case, it mainly displays the list of recently browsed documents, while in Yuque, it displays notes, start page jump entrances, and created knowledge base entrances.

When searching by inputting keywords, wolai adopts the common input search + conditional filtering process. However, after inputting keyword search results, Yuque does not directly filter other conditions for further precise search.

You need to click “Related to Me” or “Public Yuque” to jump to the search page before you can further pinpoint it. This extra step and page jump makes the search process less fluid than wolai.

Let me compare with the search process of Yuque Notes

After checking the latest 100 reviews of the two products in the APP Store, we found that many users felt that the experience on the mobile or iPad was not friendly enough. Therefore, we screened and summarized three types of needs that appear frequently:

  • The mobile terminal/iPad terminal supports handwriting mode, including handwriting graffiti, handwriting input, etc.
  • The mobile/iPad client can provide various document templates for users to use just like the PC client.
  • The mobile terminal supports landscape mode for a better reading experience.

In addition to these, users also reported a lot of editing experience issues, such as editing font sizes, being unable to copy content across domains (I come), etc. It was suggested that I come and the Yuque team to strengthen the product on mobile and iPad As a note-taking application, it is still used very frequently on mobile terminals and iPad terminals.

3) Batch operations

Currently, both products do not support batch operations on files. When users need to delete/share multiple documents, they can only repeat the operation by clicking one by one, which greatly reduces efficiency and user experience, and may cause users to lose patience and churn. user.

It is recommended that ILai and the Yuque team can support batch operations on files in subsequent version iterations , such as batch sharing, deletion, movement, etc., to improve operational efficiency and reduce user time costs.

4) View documents offline

The environment and geographical location of the mobile terminal are uncontrollable and changeable. Since the content of both products is stored in the cloud, when the user is in a scene where the network signal is poor or some other extreme circumstances require emergency When viewing the content, there is no guarantee that the user can view the document content normally.

Although this situation is very special and extreme, the harm and impact caused to users is as irreparable as a data leak. Therefore, I and the Yuque team can consider investing certain resources in the function of being able to view documents offline. For example, we can consider that note content can be stored both in the cloud and locally. The specific method requires in-depth research based on specific situations.

In addition to the content mentioned above, here are some more detailed functional interaction optimization suggestions for the two products.

I come:

  • When the directory list files reach a certain number, if the user needs to switch back and forth between multiple different files, and these files are all in different folders, that is, the file paths are very different, the operating experience will not be very friendly. It is recommended that the recently opened file tabs be displayed on the top toolbar of the PC, just like the top tab bar of a browser, to facilitate users to switch between different files.
  • The functions of “Today’s Shorthand” and “New Page” in the bottom navigation bar of the mobile terminal are duplicated. The only difference between the two is that the file title of “Today’s Shorthand” is the date of the day, and “New Page” has no title by default. It is recommended to only keep “Today’s Shorthand” in the bottom navigation bar, and “New Page” only needs to be provided on the directory list page.
  • Added “Latest Access” file list on PC to facilitate quick access for users.
  • The document content area provides a one-click return to the top button to improve the user’s editing efficiency and reading experience.


  • The document list on the mobile terminal requires clicking to enter the reading page before clicking the edit button to perform editing operations. It is recommended that an editing icon be provided on the document list. Users can directly click the editing icon to enter the editing page, reducing user operation paths and saving time.
  • It is recommended that the document editing page on the mobile terminal support displaying the title table of contents. You can refer to my mobile terminal editing page. A floating button is provided on the right side. After clicking, the document table of contents will slide out from the right side in the form of a drawer.

2. Product marketing optimization

1) Student users

Most of the main user groups of the two products are concentrated in the 19–34 age group, of which the 19–24 age group accounts for a larger proportion. Their migration resistance is smaller and they are prone to churn.

There are three main reasons:

  • The total usage time is small and the amount of data is small, resulting in low usage habits and low data migration cost, so the migration cost is even smaller.
  • Most of the users are school students or newcomers to the workplace, with relatively limited spending power and even lower willingness to assume membership accounts.
  • Young people are more receptive to new things and are easily diverted by the brilliance of other competing products.

Faced with these problems, here are three solution suggestions from different perspectives:

  • Strengthen cooperation with B-side. For example, we can seek for colleges and universities to use their own products as daily homework submission, correction, and feedback systems, and open some paid functions to teachers and students to achieve paperless teaching.
  • Introduce student status certification and promote student discounts, so that certified students can purchase membership services at a lower price, and gain target users of other note-taking applications with services with richer functions and higher cost performance. When the user graduates one year later, the preferential policy will be changed and the student price will be smoothly transitioned to the ordinary preferential price. Since the user has accumulated a certain amount of data, usage habits, and product feelings at this time, user migration will be less likely to occur.
  • Provide a UI design style that is in line with young aesthetics. For example, comics, animation, movies or popular IP styles. Or on the premise of retaining the product LOGO and concept, the UI design integrates the LOGOs, landmarks and other school characteristics of major universities to enhance product affinity and improve user stickiness.

2) User incentives

① Sign-in mechanism

The two products can be designed with a sign-in mechanism, and users can obtain certain rewards by signing in, such as points from Wolai and rice from Yuque. Points from Wolai can be exchanged for personal version of professional space, and rice from Yuque can be exchanged for membership, peripherals, etc. Gifts allow users to obtain point rewards through the simplest sign-in method, and set up a sign-in mechanism in which the more consecutive sign-in days, the greater the reward, to encourage users to use the product.

② Function experience

In order to encourage users to explore application functions, experience other products in the same ecosystem, and cooperate with satisfaction surveys, the two products can try to provide users with the opportunity to receive short-term membership for free or at a low price .

In addition, users can also experience the convenience and practicality of the membership version functions by allowing users to experience short-term membership services for free for the first time, provided that the membership service functions are enough to attract users.

③Creative incentives

The starting point and core function of a note-taking software is recording, or creation.

Creative incentives can be implemented in many forms, such as:

  • Enrich data statistics functions to make accumulation and progress visible.
  • Certain rewards (points from me/rice from Yuque) are issued every day based on the user’s creation, editing, sharing and other operations.
  • Encourage users to post and share their notes, thoughts and summaries to the knowledge community (such as Yuque’s Hangout), allowing strangers to become witnesses of growth.

3) Offline promotion

Cooperate with cultural venues such as bookstores, libraries, and museums to regularly hold offline lectures and sharing sessions to bind brand and cultural concepts, strengthen brand image, and increase brand awareness.

In addition, you can also try to enter universities and cooperate with cultural clubs, provide certain activity funds, and participate in club activities. Or enter the community, cooperate with community colleges and libraries, and participate in community cultural activities.



Zannaty Khatun

I'm a database service provider for a Latest Mailing Database company. We provide fresh, clean, accurate and qualityful any category of Database.