Detox Tea (Part 1)

2 min readNov 19, 2015


14 Day Detox Tea distributed by Hint Wellness is my first detox tea, EVER! With so many options out there, I am excited to review what I have in mail. FYI, I received this product at a discount rate in exchange for my honest, unbiased opinion. Now, let’s get started.

Who’s the Market?

Anyone who need to detoxify their body and lose couple extra lbs.

What I like about 14 Day Detox Tea Hint Wellness?

I like the smells; fruity and citrus. I usually drink tea with sugar, but surprisingly, I drink this tea without sugar and I like it. What I am trying to say is, this tea taste great.

What I don’t like about 14 Day Detox Tea Hint Wellness?

14 Day Detox tea contains Senna. Let’s check the ingredients again.

So, YES! Senna. But anyway, what’s Senna?

According to Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD in 5 Things You Should Know About Detox Tea, Senna is, “a plant with a natural laxative effect, with potential side effects may include abdominal pain and discomfort, cramps, bloating, gas, nausea, and diarrhea.” So, you should consume Senna with extreme caution. Click here to read more about Senna.

Verdict: I am glad that Hint Wellness stated that this tea is not intended for long term use. Clearly that Senna tea is not for everybody. Let’s hope this company would release detox tea without Senna, I think that would be a big hit in the market. Who doesn’t like tea that is healthy and fits everybody? I would strongly suggested to all of you to do more research about what you are going to put in your body.


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Originally published at on November 19, 2015.




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