Differences in a Decade

Zara Raindrop
2 min readFeb 12, 2018

The way we engage with brands has developed into an almost entirely digital way in the last decade. While online shopping has become a more popular option than leaving the house to buy things, we are able to interact with brands in a way that was previously unimaginable. We are able to check reviews online, or see pictures of a store before we arrive. We can take an item and look where it may be sold cheaper elsewhere online. We can even use platforms such as twitter to talk to customer service. But the companies are keeping up with the style of their followers, sparking twitter debates which have the potential to draw more publicity than a paid campaign. A decade ago, customer service was only an entity which existed in-store or via a hotline. Our current digital world, has created a transparency into companies because customers are able to share their thoughts honestly and freely online.

My personal life relies on technology more than I would like. Planning of events all take place via a group chat or Facebook event. It is rare that, we sit with someone and plan a group-event, or manage to invite people in person. I think digital tech makes life easier when trying to organise a large number of people, due to the ease of broadcasting information to all parties at once. However, I think it is wise to separate the organisation from the social event itself.

We have become accustomed to texting someone instead of going for coffee. Messaging with emojis instead of talking over the phone. And even when we are spending time with someone IRL, we ensure our ‘always on’ social-selves are staying active by tapping and scrolling while having a half concentrated conversation with the person sitting across from us.

I do think that our offline and online personalities can be vastly different. We are not afraid to speak our minds online because we don’t see the reaction the same way we would read someones expression if we said things to someones face. However, we can be swayed and influenced more easily online by something as simple as what has more likes. We become like sheep following the trends, whereas, in a physical situation, we are more likely to speak our minds and give an honest opinion since we don’t have an overload of others’ ideas being pushed our way.

