What Every Husband Needs from His Wife (Things Husband Expect From Wife)

Zara Vera
7 min readOct 6, 2023
Photo by andrew welch on Unsplash

Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s near and dear to my heart — what every husband needs from his wife. You see, relationships can be a bit like puzzles. Sometimes, all it takes is finding the right piece to make everything fit perfectly. So often, I hear from people who are struggling in their marriages, wondering what they can do to make things better. Well, let’s embark on this journey together and explore what it takes to make your husband feel loved, cherished, and understood.

Recently, a client named Rose reached out to me one afternoon, her voice trembling with frustration and sadness. Rose and Brian had been married for seven years, and what had once been a passionate love had slowly faded into a lukewarm companionship. Brian’s once-adoring eyes now seemed distant, and Rose couldn’t help but feel like she was losing the man she had fallen head over heels for.

As she shared her story, tears welled up in Rose’s eyes. She recalled how they used to spend hours talking about their dreams, sharing secrets, and laughing until their bellies hurt. But lately, it seemed like they were living parallel lives under the same roof. They rarely communicated beyond discussing grocery lists and work schedules. The spark that had ignited their love story felt like a distant memory.

I listened intently as Rose poured her heart out, her story echoing with the frustration and sadness that many couples experience at some point in their marriages. I could hear the longing in her voice as she asked, “What can I do to make Brian feel loved and cherished again?”

Rose’s message got me thinking about how many of us can relate to her situation. We’ve all been there at some point, right? So, here’s the scoop on what every husband needs from his wife to keep that love train chugging along.

1. Unwavering Support and Encouragement

Imagine this scenario: Your husband comes home from work, looking tired and defeated. He’s had a long day, and he’s carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. In this moment, what he needs most is your unwavering support and encouragement.

It’s easy to get caught up in our own daily struggles, but taking a moment to acknowledge your husband’s challenges can make a world of difference. A simple “I’m proud of you for working so hard” or “You’ve got this, I believe in you” can be a powerful boost to his spirits.

Remember, your husband isn’t just your partner in life; he’s also your biggest fan. Show him that you’ve got his back, no matter what, and watch how it strengthens your connection.

2. Quality Time and Undivided Attention

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too common for couples to spend time together without truly being present. Maybe you’re both on your phones, watching TV, or lost in your own thoughts. But here’s the thing: your husband needs your undivided attention.

Imagine this: It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon, and the two of you are curled up on the couch. Instead of scrolling through social media or thinking about your never-ending to-do list, put your devices aside and engage in meaningful conversation. Ask him about his day, his dreams, and his fears. Share your thoughts and feelings too. This quality time can work wonders for reconnecting with your husband on a deeper level.

3. Affection and Physical Intimacy

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room — physical intimacy. It’s a crucial aspect of any romantic relationship, and husbands are no exception. Just like you want to feel loved and desired, your husband craves affection too.

Now, I’m not saying you need to turn into a Hollywood starlet overnight, but simple gestures like holding hands, cuddling on the couch, or stealing a kiss can go a long way. Physical touch releases feel-good hormones and strengthens the emotional bond between you and your husband.

So, don’t underestimate the power of a hug or a sweet peck on the cheek. It’s a language of love that transcends words.

4. Trust and Open Communication

If your husband has something on his mind, but he’s hesitant to share it with you. Maybe he’s worried about how you’ll react, or perhaps he fears judgment. In situations like these, what every husband needs is trust and open communication.

Create a safe space where he can express himself without fear of repercussions. Listen attentively, without interrupting or offering solutions right away. Sometimes, your husband may just need to vent, and that’s perfectly okay.

Likewise, be open with him too. Share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns. A relationship built on trust and honest communication is a solid foundation for lasting love.

5. Respect and Appreciation

If your husband takes on the responsibility of fixing that leaky faucet you’ve been complaining about for weeks. He spends hours watching DIY videos, trying to figure it out, and finally succeeds. When he proudly shows you his handiwork, what do you say?

What every husband needs is respect and appreciation for his efforts. Even if the faucet still drips a bit or the repair isn’t perfect, acknowledge his hard work. A simple “Thank you for taking care of that, I really appreciate it” can make him feel valued and respected.

Respect goes a long way in a marriage. Celebrate each other’s strengths and support each other in your weaknesses. Remember, you’re a team, and a little gratitude can make your team stronger.

6. Space for Individuality

In the whirlwind of marriage and family life, it’s easy to lose sight of your individual identities. But giving your husband space to be himself is crucial for his well-being and your relationship’s health.

If your husband has a hobby he’s passionate about, whether it’s playing a musical instrument, woodworking, or gardening. Instead of constantly needing his attention or criticizing how he spends his free time, encourage his pursuits.

Your support for his individual interests not only allows him to grow but also shows that you respect and appreciate the unique qualities that attracted you to him in the first place. So, let him be him, and you be you — it’s a win-win!

7. Surprise and Spontaneity

Remember the early days of your relationship when everything felt fresh and exciting? Recapturing some of that magic is essential for keeping the flame alive in your marriage.

Plan a spontaneous date night for you and your husband. It could be a surprise picnic in the park, a cozy movie night at home, or even a weekend getaway. The key is to break out of your routine and infuse a sense of adventure into your relationship.

Surprises and spontaneity not only add fun to your marriage but also remind your husband that you’re still invested in keeping the spark alive. So, go ahead and plan something unexpected — it’ll be a delightful surprise for both of you!

8. Patience and Understanding

Let’s face it — nobody’s perfect. We all have our flaws, quirks, and moments of imperfection. What every husband needs is your patience and understanding when he stumbles or makes mistakes.

For instance, your husband forgets your anniversary (ouch!). Instead of launching into a tirade, take a deep breath and remember that we all slip up from time to time. Communicate your feelings calmly and work together to find a solution.

Patience and understanding are the glue that holds a marriage together during challenging times. Don’t be too quick to judge or condemn; instead, be a source of support and encouragement.

9. Shared Goals and Dreams

Marriage is a journey you embark on together, and having shared goals and dreams can make that journey all the more fulfilling. Imagine this: You and your husband sit down and discuss your hopes and aspirations for the future.

By aligning your visions and working toward common goals, you create a sense of unity and purpose in your marriage. Whether it’s saving for a dream vacation, starting a family, or pursuing a joint hobby, shared dreams can be the driving force that keeps your love story exciting and meaningful.

10. Flexibility and Adaptability

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes, you have to roll with the punches. Your husband needs to know that you can adapt and adjust to the ever-changing circumstances that life throws your way.

Let’s say, your husband gets a job offer in a different city, and it’s a fantastic opportunity for his career. While it may mean uprooting your life, being open to change and supporting his decision is crucial. Flexibility in your marriage ensures that you can weather any storm together.

Remember that marriage is a partnership, a beautiful journey you embark on together. It’s about supporting, loving, and cherishing each other, even when life gets tough. By incorporating these elements into your relationship, you can build a strong foundation of love, trust, and happiness that will stand the test of time.

Ready to take your marriage to the next level and give your husband what he truly needs? Click here to discover even more tips, tricks, and strategies for building a stronger, more loving relationship. Don’t wait; take action today and make your marriage the best it can be!

Click here to access our comprehensive guide on strengthening your marriage. We’ve packed it with practical tips, exercises, and real-life examples to help you put these ideas into practice in your relationship. Whether you’ve been married for a few years or a few decades, there’s always room to grow and improve your connection.

Don’t let your relationship drift into complacency. Invest in your marriage today, and reap the rewards of a loving, supportive, and deeply fulfilling partnership. Click here now to access the Marriage Enrichment Guide and start your journey towards a stronger, happier, and more connected marriage.

Remember, you have the power to make a positive change in your relationship, and it all starts with a single click. So, what are you waiting for? Click right here, and let’s embark on this beautiful adventure of love together!



Zara Vera

Passionate marriage counselor dedicated to rekindling love and strengthening bonds. Helping couples thrive.