Lutfun Badrin
2 min readApr 22, 2022

Prince street garden walking blog

Prince street is most touristic attraction in Edinburgh, it’s a heart of Edinburgh. All commercial shop are in Prince street. Surrounding prince street area has, Edinburgh castle, art galleries, Prince street park.

The communication service is best in prince street. Tram and bus lines are going over the prince street. If I’m talking about communication system, Prince Street has avaliable communication facilities, such as bus, train, tram etc.

Today I’ll share walking experience in West Prince Street Garden. This garden held in middle point in Prince Street. In very first entrance has Allan Ramsey Monument. Allan Ramsay (1685–1758) opened Britain’s first circulating library on the Royal Mile. This statue is ten feet high and made by murble.

I was visited this garden in end of March, Sunday morning. That day was cloudy. People are coming here for their random walking. All kind of people are allowed to here, this garden is quite big, it has sitting bench as well. This garden beautifully decorated with trees and well organized. People can enjoy view of Edinburgh castle from Prince Street Garden.

West Princes Street Garden is fully designed with nature. So, visitors can enjoy refreshing air, natural fragrance, and texture of nature. There has plenty space for kids play and has a tiny park end of the garden. Middle of the garden has an open treater, Fountain. Which are make this garden more beautiful. This garden is quite big with natural trees and some interesting statue. Wojtek The Bear is one of them.

During the interview visitors expecting more facilities from West prince Street gardens, such as, improving mapping system, toilet facilities. There are very few toilet facilities in garden area. It’s good for vulnerable visitors. The entrance and exit of the garden is with stears , wheel chairs visitor has some issue with that.