Platform presence and personality

Gulnur Zaripova
2 min readDec 4, 2015


When speaker had to look of success he or she would found it easier to think success, to achieve success. Good appearance gave them more confidence, brought them increased faith in themselves, heightened their self-respect. Such is the effect of clothes on the wearer.

What effect do they have on an audience? I have noticed if the speaker a man with baggy trousers, shapeless coat and footwear or is a woman with an ugly, bulging purse and with her slip showing-that an audience has a little respect for that person. For that Dress neatly, attractively!

Smile! Always smile and act as if you glad to see your audience; and so immediately and inevitably your hearers will warm and welcome you. Laughter brings many benefits including good physical health, positive emotions and relationships with other people. One essential point is that you should always remember to keep your smile, your humor and your optimism even during the hardest time of your life.

Do you think it is much more inspiring to speak to a large audience than a small one?If you are going to talk to a small group, you should choose a small room. Better to pack the aisles of a small place than to have people scattered through the lonely, deadening spaces of a large hall.If your hearers are scattered , ask them to move down front and be seated near you.

No trumpery and guests on the platform. A speaker ought to have a pleasing background . The ideal arrangement, to my way of thinking , would be no furniture at all. Nothing behind the speaker to attract attention, or at either side of him. If you have guests on the platform, they are sure to move occasionally; and each time they make the slightest movement, they are certain to seize the attention of your hearers. The temptation to look at moving objects give some trouble and needless annoyance. When I was in some presentations I noted how many of the quests shifted about and put one leg over the other and back again , and every time one of them moved, the audience lloked away from the speakers to quests.

