Speak for Success!

Gulnur Zaripova
2 min readDec 4, 2015


Whether you are presenting to a small group of 20 or a large group of 200, there are many things you can to do in advance to ensure that your presentation achieves the desired response. The most important is to know and understand your audience. Consider that the most important visual you can show an audience is yourself. Add the fact that your voice is produced physically. The result? The way you look and sound are hugely important concerning whether you’re successful as a speaker. And that includes your audience’s physical responses to you, which are largely subconscious.

When it comes to using body language, you should be asking yourself: “How can I use movement and gestures to be effective in my presentation?” If you don’t have an expressive face, work with a mirror to create a link between what you’re trying to express verbally, and how your facial expressions make your meaning clear. As part of your practice, give your entire talk without a sound coming out of your mouth even though you form all the words, letting your face do all the communicating.

Asking questions of your audience is a great way to keep the audience engaged.

Last week we have a project about the startegy of Coca-Cola company for the subject “Marketing”. We seek the information about the competitive,communication and pricing strategies, as well as company’s channels. Within the team of 5 people we have presented our project in a large audience and each of us have to speak for 3–5 minutes. Before that we have prepared some questions to the audience and buy Coca-Cola’s products as a motivation in order to attract the audience’s attention. During our presentation we at first warm up our audience and ask questions and get responces that it shows how our audience are interested and how they pay attention. Our audience engaged and satisfied, and we accepted their applause at the end.

If you stand up and talk to them, and they will talk back to you, that process would immediately and inevitably make your talking more conversational , more natural, more direct.

