Chat GPT is Threatening Job Prospects: If You’re a Programmer, You Need to Be Worried!

Zawer Ali
6 min readFeb 19, 2023


By Kevin Ku

Hello to you, lovely people on the web.

I hope you are having a great day!

Before I tell you something, let me ask you something first!

Have you heard of the Chat GPT?

If you roam the web on a weekly basis, chances are that you DO know!

But for those who do not know, Chat GPT is an Artificial Intelligence-based program that can communicate and converse with you like a human would.

You can ask it any question, and it will answer, or you can engage in conversations with it on various topics. So basically take Alexa or Siri. And instead of using voice recognition technology, use text-based communication methods, make it more intelligent, and you’ve got yourselves, a Chat GPT.

In this article, I’ll talk about,

Why did I write this post?
Why should You care about an AI chatbot?
Why you might need to think of a new line of work if you’re a programmer?

Enough baffling.
I’ll tell you about my experience using Chat GPT.

So I heard about Chat GPT a couple of months ago, but at that time I wasn’t that interested.

An AI bot --well, there are plenty where it came from. An AI bot that could answer questions and converse --well, we’ve already got Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa.

The point is that I didn’t really get what the fuss was all about.

But after seeing my YouTube feed filled with “How can you use Chat GPT to do yada, yada, yada” videos. I was like, “Alright, let’s check it out” and check it out I did.

And It Blew My Mind!

Chat GPT blew my mind.

This thing could answer questions on any topic (ANY topic), could converse as if you were talking to your buddy, could write creatively, and could CODE. It could write CODE.

It even wrote me a kick-ass program. Do you know how hard it is to program?

As a student of Software Engineering and a yet-to-be game dev, I can testify it’s hard. It took me three hours just to fully grasp the print function in Python, which is the simplest type of function (although to be fair, it’s a testament to my incompetency at programming and not how good Chat GPT is).

Are you impressed yet?

No? Alright. Let me tell you that this bot wrote me a program that was part of my university project in seconds. For context, it took me one month to complete that project, and it wasn’t even that great.

Still not impressed?

Know that this chatbot can not only write programs but also find and correct mistakes in them.

So in practice, this chatbot is an all-in-one encyclopedia, author, poet, translator, proofreader, conversationalist, and programmer.

Why YOU should care about AI and Chat GPT

Remember when I wrote an article about if AI would destroy Us? In that article, I made a point that AI will replace some jobs in the future.

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it might be happening sooner than later. Hear me out! Just look at all the things that Chat GPT can do, and it’s not even the bulk when it comes to the potential uses of AI so I am saying (I’m just saying) it’s not out of the realm of possibility that AI will automate a lot of tasks that nowadays need a pair of human hands.

But at least it’s not all bad news… On the good side, AI will not fully replace humans in the workforce. It’s just that some of us might have to pack up and look for another line of work. That’s all.

And look! I’m not a time traveler or a future predictor, whatever you call them. So chances are that it might not happen and that AI and Chat GPT might not replace any jobs at all. Even better, there’s a possibility that AI will create newer industries and bring in newer job opportunities.

Whether you look at it from an optimistic side, or a skeptical one, there is no denying AI will have a huge impact on the future of different aspects of human life, including employment. Don’t believe me? Well, 63% of CEOs believe that AI will have a larger impact on humans than the Internet, according to PwC’s Annual Global CEO Survey.

If You’re a Programmer, You Need to Be Worried

After meddling with Chat GPT for a whole day, I was so excited about the prospect of how this technology could further us humans that I failed to realize how it could impact jobs. Especially the profession that I am passionate about.

And especially after the things I talked about regarding Chat GPT, it can be induced that the possibility of Software one day, creating Software is in the cards.

I mean, Chat GPT can create code, write simple programs and webpages, and even point out certain mistakes in a program.

And looking at how different Industries are incorporating AI in their methods and the advancements being made in the realm of Artificial Technology. In 5 to 7 years, Chat GPT might have a version update that could create complex programs, AI algorithms, complete websites, etc.

In that case, there wouldn’t be a need for people to write code. Industries and other employers, instead of hiring people would use these AI systems to generate code that would serve them functions. Why would they use AI programs instead of programmers and developers? Well, simply because it would be cheaper, faster, more accurate, and overall more reliable.

Take a Deep Breath!

If you’re not a programmer, this blog post might not have an impact on you other than informing you.

If you are someone related to the programming or software engineering field of work, you might be worried, or not I don’t know. But do know that the purpose of this article is not to instill fear or anxiety but to inform and shed light on a perspective.

As a CS student, I am kinda skeptical as well when it comes to the applications of AI in the programming world.

Take a deep breath and calm down. Even though there is a possibility that AI would affect the programming world, it might not replace programmers in their entirety, but rather decrease the employment opportunities when it comes to programming and software development.

However, this is just my take on the subject, and you’ll find counterarguments to this take all around the Internet.

Conclusions and Reaffirmations

Did you know?

I used Chat GPT to provide the conclusion to this blog post (It’s not plagiarism if it’s deliberately mentioned XD).

Here you go:

In conclusion, Chat GPT is an AI chatbot that can answer questions, converse, write creatively, code, and even find mistakes in code. It is an all-in-one encyclopedia, author, poet, translator, proofreader, conversationalist, and programmer. While this technology is exciting, it also raises concerns about job loss, particularly in the field of programming and software engineering. AI has the potential to automate many tasks currently performed by humans, but it may also create newer industries and bring in newer job opportunities. Regardless of the future, it is important to stay informed about the potential impact of AI on different aspects of human life, including employment. The purpose of this article is not to instill fear or anxiety but rather to inform and create awareness about the potential impact of AI.

Did you find the conclusion relevant to the topic? Do you agree with my viewpoint on this topic? If not, what’s the reason behind this disagreement? Share your thoughts right below in the comment section.


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Zawer Ali

Writer. Professional Opinion Slinger. Yet-to-be Game dev. Starting out my ventures on Medium. Support me And wish me Luck! -- Mail Me--