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Architecting a LLM-based RAG application Using Graph Databases

Zia Babar
7 min readFeb 3, 2024



Large Language Models (LLMs), powered by extensive training on diverse datasets, have the remarkable ability to understand, generate, and interact with text in a manner that closely mimics human comprehension and communication. From crafting compelling narratives to answering complex queries and automating customer service, LLMs are revolutionising industries by providing scalable, efficient, and increasingly accurate solutions to a wide array of linguistic tasks. Yet, despite their formidable capabilities, LLMs face challenges in leveraging external, structured knowledge bases, which is where the innovative Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture comes into play.

Traditionally, vector databases have been the go-to solution for storing and retrieving these embeddings, given their efficiency in handling high-dimensional data. However, the exploration of graph databases in the context of RAG architecture opens new avenues for enhancing the model’s understanding of complex relationships and interconnected data. This article delves into the promising intersection of graph databases and RAG architecture.

RAG Architecture

While LLMs are extraordinarily adept at generating human-like text, their capacity to pull in specific, detailed information from external sources during the generation process has been traditionally limited. The RAG architecture enhances LLMs by integrating them with external databases, thereby augmenting the model’s ability to generate responses that are not only contextually rich but also informed by a reservoir of external knowledge. This integration allows LLMs to retrieve and reference specific pieces of information during the response generation process, significantly improving the relevance and accuracy of their outputs.

Components of RAG Architecture

The RAG framework solves the above issue by incorporating a retrieval component and a generative component.

  • The Retriever: This component is responsible for querying an external database to find information relevant to the input query. It operates by transforming the query and documents within the database into embeddings, i.e. high-dimensional vectors that represent the semantic essence of the texts. By computing the similarity between the query embedding and document embeddings, the retriever identifies the most relevant pieces of information.
  • The Generator: Once the relevant information has been retrieved, it is fed into the generative model alongside the original query. The generator, typically a state-of-the-art LLM, synthesises the input from the retriever with its pre-existing knowledge, learned during its extensive training phase, to generate a coherent, contextually informed, and detailed response.

Advantages of RAG Architecture

The integration of retrieval processes within generative models through RAG architecture offers several advantages:

  • Enhanced Accuracy and Relevance: By drawing on external databases, RAG-enabled models can produce responses that are not only relevant to the query but also grounded in factual accuracy.
  • Contextual Depth: The architecture allows models to incorporate a broader context by accessing detailed background information, leading to outputs that reflect a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  • Adaptability: RAG models can adapt to new information or changes in knowledge by simply updating the database, without the need for retraining the generative model.

The Role of Databases in RAG Architecture

The choice of database for storing the knowledge base is pivotal in the RAG architecture. Traditional approaches have leaned towards vector databases, which are optimised for storing and querying high-dimensional vector data efficiently. These databases excel at facilitating fast retrieval of embeddings, making them a natural fit for the retriever component of RAG. However, the exploration of graph databases introduces a new dimension to the architecture.

Graph Databases

Graph databases mark a significant evolution in the management of data. Distinct from relational databases that rely on tabular schemas, and vector databases that specialise in managing high-dimensional vector spaces, graph databases are fundamentally built upon the tenets of graph theory. This architectural choice makes them inherently suited to environments where the relationships among data points are just as critical as the data points themselves.

This adaptability to complex relational structures offers graph databases a distinctive edge in LLM-based RAG applications. Graph databases significantly amplify the capabilities of RAG architectures by facilitating not just the retrieval of specific data pieces but also a comprehension of the contextual and relational intricacies among these pieces. Through these capabilities, graph databases empower LLM-based RAG applications to deliver outputs that are not only relevant and precise but are also deeply contextualised.

Fundamental Concepts of Graph Databases

At the heart of a graph database are nodes and edges:

  • Nodes represent entities or objects, akin to records in a relational database. Each node can have one or more labels that define its type(s) and properties that store its attributes.
  • Edges (also referred to as relationships) connect nodes and can be directed or undirected. Like nodes, edges can have types and properties, enabling the representation of the nature and qualities of relationships between entities.

This structure allows graph databases to model complex, real-world systems naturally and intuitively, from social networks and organisational hierarchies to biological ecosystems and beyond.

How Graph Databases Work

Graph databases use powerful query languages, such as Cypher for Neo4j, that are specifically designed for traversing and manipulating graphs. These languages enable developers to perform sophisticated queries that can explore the network of connections in a graph deeply and efficiently. Queries can range from simple lookups of nodes or relationships to complex traversals that explore the graph to find patterns, shortest paths, or connected components.

Indexing and optimization techniques in graph databases are tailored to accelerate graph traversals and relationship queries, ensuring high performance even as the size and complexity of the graph grow. This is in stark contrast to relational databases, where complex joins across multiple tables can significantly degrade performance.

Operational Benefits of Graph Databases

Graph databases offer several operational benefits that make them particularly suited for applications involving complex relationships and dynamic data schemas:

  • Flexibility: The schema-less nature of graph databases allows for the easy addition of new types of entities and relationships, making them highly adaptable to evolving data models.
  • Performance: Graph databases are optimised for traversing complex relationships, providing fast query responses even for deep, multi-hop traversals across large datasets.
  • Intuitive Modeling: The graph model is often more intuitive than relational models for representing interconnected data, reducing the conceptual gap between the problem domain and its database representation.

Graph Databases in RAG Architecture

In the context of RAG architectures, graph databases bring several compelling advantages. They enable the LLM-based RAG applications to understand not just isolated pieces of information but the relationships connecting them. Specifically, by leveraging graph databases, RAG architectures can:

  • Enhance Contextual Awareness: Access a rich network of relationships to generate responses that are informed by the context surrounding the queried information.
  • Improve Information Retrieval: Facilitate more precise retrieval strategies that can consider the strength, type, and relevance of relationships between entities, leading to more relevant and accurate information being fed into the generative component.
  • Support Complex Queries: Perform complex graph queries to answer questions that involve multiple steps of reasoning or that require aggregating information from diverse parts of the knowledge graph.

Architecting a LLM-based RAG application Using Graph Databases

Architecting a LLM-based RAG application that leverages graph databases requires a process-based approach to solution design.

Step 1 — Initial Planning and Design

The first step in architecting a LLM-based RAG application with a graph database involves defining the scope and requirements of the application. This includes understanding the type of queries it will handle, the nature of the responses it will generate, and the sources of knowledge it will draw upon. Based on these requirements, architects can design a data model that accurately reflects the entities and relationships relevant to the application’s domain. This model will guide the structure of the graph database, including the definition of node labels, relationship types, and property schemas.

Step 2 — Data Ingestion and Modeling

Once the data model is established, the next step is to populate the graph database with data. This involves ingesting data from various sources, such as documents, databases, or APIs, and mapping it onto the graph model. Each piece of data becomes a node or a relationship in the graph, with its attributes stored as properties. This process requires careful attention to ensure that the graph accurately represents the knowledge domain, with clear, meaningful relationships between entities.

For LLM-based RAG applications, it’s also critical to consider how the data will be used for retrieval. This might involve creating indexes on certain properties or precomputing embeddings for nodes and relationships to facilitate efficient similarity searches.

Step 3 — Implementing the Retrieval Component

The retrieval component of a RAG application is responsible for querying the graph database to find information relevant to a given query. This involves translating the query into a form that can be processed by the graph database, such as a Cypher query in the case of Neo4j. The retrieval component must be able to perform sophisticated graph traversals to identify nodes and relationships that are relevant to the query, leveraging the structure of the graph to find the most pertinent information.

In addition to traditional graph queries, the retrieval component may also use more advanced techniques, such as graph algorithms for finding shortest paths or community detection, to enhance the relevance and quality of the retrieved information.

Step 4 — Integrating the Generator with Retrieved Data

With the relevant information retrieved from the graph database, the next step is to integrate this data with the generative model. This involves formatting the retrieved data in a way that can be effectively processed by the LLM, ensuring that the model has access to all the necessary context to generate a coherent and informative response.

The integration between the retrieval component and the generator is a critical aspect of the RAG architecture, as it determines how effectively the application can leverage external knowledge. It may involve techniques such as concatenating retrieved information with the original query, using attention mechanisms to focus the model on specific pieces of retrieved data, or even fine-tuning the LLM on domain-specific datasets to improve its ability to process and incorporate external information.


Architecting a LLM-based RAG application with a graph database is complex but can significantly enhance the capabilities of LLMs. By effectively leveraging the strengths of graph databases, such as their ability to model complex relationships and support sophisticated queries, LLM-based RAG applications can achieve a new level of performance, delivering responses that are not only accurate and relevant but also deeply informed by the rich context of the underlying data.



Zia Babar

Zia is a distinguished researcher, practitioner, and consultant across applied AI, distributed systems, HPC, cloud-native platforms, and data engineering.