Feedback about the EOS Resource Model Proposal from ZBEOS

2 min readSep 22, 2020


As an EOS community participant and a block producer, we are glad to test and write the feedback for the new resource model.

In the previous model, system allocates CPU to users according to the proportion of the user’s CPU staking amount to the total staking amount, which means if a user wants more CPU, he/she needs to stake more EOS. However, everyone can stake more EOS, as a result, the CPU amount to the total staking amount will increase, which also leads to the increasing of the CPU price. So the user will not get more CPU as he/she expected before.

The other problem is that the annual rate of return in EOS Resource Exchange is not high enough to stimulate users to participate.

The new proposal makes transaction a larger amount of CPU/NET for a relatively cheap price Also, users can still stake the EOS (but the resources are put in the rental market) and can earn the profits which includes three parts: the short account auction, RAM transaction fees, and CPU rental income. What we are concerned about is that when transacting to the new rentbw model, users need to specify the maximum amount and some parameters of the leased capacity, maybe it is hard for developers (especially Dapps) to integrate enough CPU/NET resource.

The other point is that the long leasing time may make the market speculative. If large token holders lease most of the resources to themselves, it may cause congestion on the EOS network, and these speculators will interfere with resource price.

Third, in this new proposal, when utilization rate increases, the price will rise immediately, but after each loan expires, the price will gradually decrease over time. This means that prices may not reflect the actual amount of resources available, and in some cases, prices may remain unreasonably high for a long time.

Overall, we also see other great and professional feedbacks and advices through wechat and telegram discussion group, so we hope these feedbacks will be taken into account and we believe the upcoming model will help to achieve better utilization of the available resource and provide the intended long-term benefits.

