A Nonzero Wordcloud

Zane Burk
2 min readNov 25, 2019


I chose the wordcloud route for this week’s assignment, and I created my wordcloud from a reddit comment that I look back at often. The comment comes from a post by a guy named Max. Max has been having a rough time in his life — he lacks motivation, and feels that as each day passes by, nothing changes for him. He can’t figure out how to get out of his slump — that’s where this comment comes into play. While I’ve never been as down in the dumps as Max was, I’ve felt sluggish, unhappy, and unmotivated before too, like anybody else. Someone drops in and leaves a comment centered around the concept of the “nonzero” day. Ironically, the word “nonzero” also ended up being one of the largest words on the cloud. A nonzero day is a day in which a person does something, anything, to be productive, in any sort. The productivity in question could be as simple as a single push-up — just so long as the person has done something to be productive on that day, it classifies as a nonzero day. This is a motto that I’ve begun to go by on days where I don’t feel like doing anything. I make sure that I do something productive on the day to make it nonzero, and be able to go to sleep knowing that I did something productive on the day.

