The Decade of Decency

15 min readJan 6, 2020

What are you doing?

Took out an old video album.

Can I see?


That is ancient.

Hey. When I was your age, albums only had still photos.

How old are you again?


Whoa. Why are you flipping through now? L-lexa® made lunch.

Not the hugest fan of that thing.

You’re old.

You’re cute. Come back after lunch and we’ll look through it.

I’ll eat later.

Curious today?

I don’t get why you spent all morning flipping.

This year is the 50th anniversary.


Of 2020.

When was that in ours?

50 years ago…

When did they switch to astro time?

A while later, when the classical calendar fell out of fashion.

So what happened in 2020?

It was the beginning of a new era. People were waking up.

About what?

About who we are. We’d forgotten that we are animals. That humans share a history, an evolutionary past, with many others.

How could you forget, with all that back hair?

Watch it!

