ZCL Wallet — The New Beginnings

2 min readApr 15, 2018


First things first, let’s take a look at what we’re talking about here.

Screenshot of new interface

And where do you find this thing of beauty? Well get yourself over to


for a quick look.

For those expecting to see a fully fledged wallet you’ll be sorely disappointed, you might find there are a few things missing — like a functional wallet for example. This is intentional. It’s our plan to bring this to the community in stages and this is very much stage 1, or perhaps not quite stage 1…

The interface is responsive and so should be accessible on most devices, let us know if you experience any difficulties when viewing it by leaving us a message on discord (https://discordapp.com/invite/NRdczWC) or by email (team@zclassic-ce.org).

Note that there’s no need to press refresh to update any of the stats on the dashboard page — these all update automatically. And if you’re after the details on any of the individual candles just hover your mouse over a candle and a popup will give you all the information for that day (this doesn’t work on a touch screen at the minute).

One of the things we’ve always found that may be lacking in new software is access to a help system or useful instruction and so we’ve built this in to be developed in conjunction with the user interface. This can easily be accessed through the menu as shown here

screenshot — help link

This brings up the help screen, again fully responsive, which we encourage you to read through to familiarise yourself with the dashboard page (that’s the page you see at startup).

There are many more things we’ve yet to introduce and this will be added to the interface through the links in the menu, but this basic UI will be the core behind our wallet for Windows, Mac and Linux as well as our web wallet which will be accessible to mobile devices.

If you have any questions or would like to make any suggestions then log onto discord (https://discordapp.com/invite/NRdczWC) or drop us an email at team@zclassic-ce.org. If it doesn’t work on a particular device then we’d definitely like to hear from you and what device/OS it fails on.

We’d like to also take this opportunity to invite you to join with the ZCL community using one of the links found on our webpage at


