ZCL — Your wallet options after 31st March

3 min readMar 25, 2018


First of all, if you’re not sure what’s happening on the 31st March, then read this post here…


Okay, so I get that something’s happening — but how does that affect me and my wallet?

Well, the good news is that what’s actually stored in your wallet are private keys — the ZCL you see in the wallet is stored as part of the ZCL network, so it’s not going to disappear even if you can’t see it in your wallet. The following guidance is designed to allow you to continue to use your wallet after the 31st March without too much change or configuration. But before any of that — backup your wallet, export your private keys — keep these things in a safe and secure place.

Good, good, I’ve done that — let me have the options, I need them now!

Options depend on what you’re currently using for a wallet — if you’re using a wallet on an exchange then this will be administered by the exchange and is outwith the scope of this mini-guide but they should continue to operate as before.

We’ve made a determined effort to actually increase the number of nodes available on the ZCL network so if you’re using a full node wallet then this should also continue to work as before.

Electrum wallets need a wee bit of configuration before they can continue to be used but there are a couple of options you may want to consider as an alternative.

  1. start using a full node (which also helps to strengthen the ZCL network)— the official Zclassic full node wallets can be found here https://github.com/z-classic/zclassic-full-node-wallet/releases
  2. it is possible to transfer your ZCL over to an exchange and use an exchange wallet as an alternative. Although this is an option, it’s listed here for completeness, but not recommended (be aware of the security implications of using a web wallet — https://flipsidecrypto.com/types-crypto-wallets/).

But I know and love the electrum wallet — can I continue to use that?

Yes you can, but you’ll need to reconfigure it to point to the community address for the electrum server…


this is already active and you can start using this now — here are some screen captures which should help with the reconfiguration

electrum wallet interface

at the bottom right of the wallet you can see a green (or red if there’s no current connection) icon. A single click on this icon will then display this dialog box

network dialog

now the first time you open this you won’t see the community address — this needs to be configured

network dialog — server tab

Select the Server tab and make sure the ‘Select server automatically’ is unchecked. Type in the name of the community server (electrum.zclassic.community) and make sure the port is set to 50002 (it should all look as in the above picture). Once you’ve done that, click the ‘Close’ button and the icon in the main interface should either remain green (switching over from an active server) or turn from red to green.

Your electrum wallet should now spark into life and update to reflect any relevant transactions on the ZCL network.

And just a reminder — make sure you backup your wallet and private keys securely and safely

