Cracking the Code: Marketing to Gen-Z. 6 key principles to adapt.

Alexsander Ždan
2 min readNov 12, 2023


Reaching out to Generation Z demands a distinct marketing approach compared to other generations. They signify a fresh frontier in the dynamics of brand-consumer relationships, where authenticity and relevance take center stage.

1. Personalization is Key

Tailor your marketing messages to the individual. Gen Z appreciates personalized experiences that cater to their specific interests and preferences. Leverage data analytics to understand their behaviors and create targeted campaigns that speak directly to them.

2. Utilize Influencers

Influencers play a significant role in shaping Gen Z’s opinions. Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand values and have a genuine connection with their audience. Influencer marketing can help you tap into established communities and build trust more quickly.

3. Interactive Content Wins

Gen Z craves interactive and participatory experiences. Incorporate polls, quizzes, and challenges into your marketing campaigns to encourage active engagement. User-generated content campaigns can also be highly effective, allowing your audience to contribute to and shape your brand narrative.

4. Reviews as UGC

Cultivating credibility with a Gen Z audience demands authenticity and transparency. To gain trust from this discerning demographic, harness the power of user-generated content.

User-generated content (UGC) offers an authentic, unfiltered perspective by adopting a community-driven approach to social content. When brands integrate UGC into their strategy, they resonate with Gen Z’s inclination toward genuine and relatable content.

5. Be a creator, not a company

Embracing the content creator mindset involves crafting platform-specific content that emphasizes entertainment or education over immediate conversions, recognizing that conversions will naturally ensue over time.

Gen Z needs attention-grabbing content.

6. Use your comment section

On platforms favored by Gen Z, such as Instagram and TikTok, the comment section proves to be just as, if not more, entertaining than the posts. Users can actively participate in the comments by liking and responding, fostering a vibrant space for jokes and conversations.

