
ZD Finn
7 min readJun 27, 2023

Meanings & language


Much, but not all, of my writing is based on spiritual teachings which have become the backbone of my life over the last forty years. I trust them and have tried to align my way of living to their principles, with a varying degree of success.

I fully understand the uniqueness of all our journeys and backgrounds and share my stories for two reasons, firstly as a way of exploring my own journey. Secondly, to hopefully inspire others by trying to find ways of describing the indescribable that may resonate with others.

But, the reception of language is never straightforward, it merges with the history of the reader and affects us all in different ways.

This is particularly true which trying to describe any experience of the ethereal world.

So I provide this Lexicon of the terms I may use in my articles, and do use in The Library of Lives, hoping that this gives some level of clarity about the meaning I ascribe. It is not foolproof, but at least it’s a start.

Age: The spiritual definition of an Age as a set period 2,000 years. There was a transition period around the millennium as we entered the Age of Aquarius, or Golden Age, and moved out of the Piscean Age. The next Age will be the Age of Capricorn. I used a capital A to denote this use of the word, as opposed to the age of a person or thing.

Aspect: The individual fragment of Soul that is present in each human being, for one lifetime on the Earth, but which is everlasting. I have used a capital A to distinguish it from other uses of aspect such as views or perspective.

Aum: The sound of the universe. When we intone the Aum it raises our energy from our lower chakras (grounding) into our higher chakras (spiritual link). When meditating, we are advised to use a minimum of three Aums and a maximum of twelve, as this raises our vibration levels and enables us to make contact with the Spirit world.

Aura: The aura is a three-dimensional electromagnetic field that surrounds the body. It is like a candle flame. If you look closely at the wick you will see a blue shape, surrounded by a darker area that is more blue-grey in colour. Surrounding this is an oval-shaped field of energy which is primarily gold or yellow, within which there are varying degrees of colour. Beyond the flame itself is a subtle, oval-shaped energy field which produces a “dissipating glow”.

The human aura extends on average 5 – 6 feet [1.5 – 2 m], beyond the body. The different fields within the aura relate to our physical, emotional and mental health and become progressively more subtle and diffuse. Hence, the term “subtle bodies” which some healers use. Every aura is as individual to a person as their fingerprints.

Bearers / Children of Light: The Children of Light or Bearers of Light are very old Souls who have no further need to incarnate. They have voluntarily agreed to be born at this time in order to help the transition of humanity into the Golden Age.

They are highly intuitive with a deep sense of purpose and are distinguished from the rest of humankind by having no karma. There are two streams of these children: those who had their major incarnations during the time of Atlantis and those who lived important spiritual lives during the Egyptian dynasties.

Christos: The Christos is the Love aspect of God, the action of God, the Creator. The energy of the Christos was embodied within the man who was known as Yeshua within His family, and more widely as Jesus. The Christ refers to Yeshua’s achievements, His Teachings, and the example He left as a signpost to the Christos.

Creation: I have used a capital C when the text refers to the act of Creation and lower case when the text is describing creative acts.

Earth: I have used a capital E when speaking of the planet and lower case to denote the earth or ground itself. Not an easy distinction to make as often it is both.

Etheric counterpart: This relates to the concept of “as above, so below”. Everything that exists on the earth plane has an etheric counterpart in the spiritual spheres.

God: The Creator, or creative principle. Not the God as portrayed in religion, but a universal Source of intelligence. The Teachings I follow refer to God as having three principles: a creative energy – intelligence, which gave rise to God the Creator. The Christos, the Love Aspect, and the physical embodiment of the Christos in Yeshua – the Christ. Three principles in one.

Higher Self: The total Soul, sometimes called the Oversoul. Each individual soul is an Aspect or particle of a Higher Self and each Higher Self contains more particles than there are cells in a human body. Not all Aspects incarnate, just as a woman has the potential to conceive hundreds of children in her lifetime but may only give birth to two or three.

At the end of life the individualised soul returns to the Higher Self and the experiences and learning of that life are shared throughout the entire Higher Self. Once an Aspect has incarnated it cannot return. Each Aspect can only incarnate once.

Because of this, when a soul returns, something akin to a conference takes place where the karma is reviewed. The experiences and understanding of life are evaluated and a new Aspect steps forward, containing the essence of the previous life, to take forward the learning of the Higher Self.

There are a number of words to describe this individualised soul: facet, Aspect, fragment, or particle.

Karma: “Cause and effect”, the principle that everything that you do or think creates an energy which has an effect. When the term karma is used, it is usually with reference to the lessons which the Soul needs to learn in order to be able to progress both in this life and eventually through the spiritual spheres.

Karma can be positive. It may relate to past lives, as the same lessons will be made available to the different Aspects of the Soul until they have been overcome.

Light: I have used a capital L: when the text is speaking about spiritual Light – not visible to the human eye – but not an easy distinction, as everything ultimately is Light.

Love: A capital ‘L’ refers to spiritual Love as distinct to temporal love. But all love / Love emanates from the same Source so, like Light and light, any distinction serves only to define the experience itself.

Oversoul: See Higher Self.

Soul: I have used a capital ’S’ when the text refers to the Oversoul, or the collective Soul of humanity and used the lower case ’s’ when the text is referring primarily to the individual soul Aspect or facet.

When a facet, or Aspect is in life it it energised by Spirit. The soul is there to learn, Sprit animates the soul and then returns to the Spirit realms where it is reabsorbed into the collective that is Spirit, which is all-knowing.

Spiritual realms / spheres: The Realms / Spheres of energy in which Spirit resides. There are seven spiritual spheres surrounding the planet, the closest resembles the Earth and earthly life and each subsequent Sphere progressively becomes more spiritual, colourful and attuned to spiritual advancement.

The concept of “as above, so below” applies to the spiritual spheres where all the achievements of mankind are already in existence, in what could almost be described as a holographic form, because any manifestations that are there are created through pure, collective, thought.

I have used capital letter to denote that the sphere, plane, realm, or world is spiritual. Where that is preceded with a clarification – spiritual plane – then I have used lower case.

Universal Law: Also known as Natural Law, the sacred Laws of Creation, the way things are. For example, the Law of balance, which implies that to be healthy and happy people need to both give and receive. If you only ever give without taking, you will rapidly become empty and have nothing more to give. The Law of balance requires doing both, doing only one simply doesn’t work.

© ZD Finn 2023

Finn runs a healing and meditation practice in London, publishes her own inspired journals, and offers mentoring to those seeking to strengthen their own soul connection.

Q&A If you have any questions on this, or anything else I have written, please comment or email me via zdfinn.com and I will do my best to answer, either from the Teachings I have studied or inspirationally.



ZD Finn

Author of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals, healer, inspired speaker, mentor zdfinn.com