5 Efficient Ways to Stay Healthy at Office without Hampering Work Productivity

Martin Andre
3 min readJun 4, 2018


If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you cannot just leave your healthy habits at home every time you go to an office. In spite of office treats and post-work happy hours and sudden hunger that arise after reaching home, every employed person want to stay away from obesity and try their best to figure out ways to stay healthy at the office.

It’s straightforward to say I’ll eat healthy at dinner or I’ll be more active this weekend, or I’ll start exercise from tomorrow, but we all know this bitter reality that only few of us manage to adopt these healthy habits in our everyday schedule. The choices you make regarding your health matter a lot. Just because you’re at work doesn’t mean you don’t have to take care of yourself. If you’re looking to switch up your daily habits at your workplace, consider these few useful tips to stay healthy at the office.

  1. Get up and move: Maybe you are a workaholic or remains stick to your workstation but no matter what, it is absolutely necessary to take short breaks. Sitting all day is not just unhealthy for you but can give rise to many health ailments. Getting up and moving during the day will help in preventing pain in your back and joints. It has been shown in the studies that you are more creative when you are walking.
  2. Pack your lunch: It’s tough to make good choices when you are hungry or when you are eating out. By packing your meal, you can make food you love and still monitor your healthy eating plans. Buy a cute lunch bag, pack your favorite drink or find a great spot in the park and eat lunch there.
  3. Height adjustable standing desk: Posture is crucial for overall fitness. One should not overlook the sensitivity of this topic. If you want to avoid posture-related problems, then bring height adjustable standing desk. These desks help you to switch comfortably between sitting and standing positions as either sitting or standing too long has been known to give rise to several posture related health issues. It will help you to ditch the traditional and old working position and style.

4. Keep a healthy snack at your desk: Instead of eating chips, cold drinks or burgers, try eating healthy meals such as- oats, fruits, salad, dried fruit, etc. Instead of drinking four or five cups of coffee or tea, have juice or detox drink.

5. Ergonomic sit stand desk: Back pain is the most common problem that is faced by office people. Help yourself to uproot such ailments by creating a healthy and active work environment with ergonomic sit stand desk. One can find various models of such desk, suitable to pick one specific to meet their needs.

It is understandable that most people do not get time to do exercise or go for jogging but when it comes to health, compromising with it is not advisable. Feeling healthy at work is just as important as choosing good habits at home, so try to do your best efforts by incorporating healthy habits and using height adjustable standing desks, no matter where you are.



Martin Andre

Zeal Desk is a leading manufacturer of ergonomic height adjustable standing desk and sit stand computer desk. For orders visit: https://www.zealdesk.com/