Introducing ZED Product Board.

3 min readJun 6, 2019


Improving on Community Feedback for ZED Development.

Some Background

Here at ZED, it is no secret that we value our community. In fact, ZED has in large been driven by the community.

Some examples are the huge amount of feedback we receive on a regular basis. This includes things like racehorse sales, bugs, ideas on functionality and areas we can improve.

The community is passionate, knowledgeable, tuned into the industry and supportive of ZED. We want to capture this by providing a simple and easy way to gather feedback as ZED continues to develop. Welcome to Product Board.

What is Product Board?

Product Board is an all-in-one, web-based Product Management tool for gathering, managing, and sharing development progress to a public audience. In our case, this is the ZED Community.

By leveraging multiple features, such as Roadmaps, Portals and Insights, Product Board provides us with a number of efficient mechanisms from which to capture Community Input.

For the purpose of this blog, we will be focusing on the Portal feature.

The ZED Portal

Introducing the ZED Portal.

This Portal is a simple webpage consisting of four (4) major components in the Development progress, which are;

- Under Consideration

What the Development team are currently considering for implementation into ZED. Features may include things such as a Mobile version, or a Bug Bounty.

- Researching

Active research is being performed into features and functionality, which may include things like Private Breeding or a Referral Program.

- Under Development

Features that are currently being actively worked on by the Development team. For ZED, this is Auctions, Breeding, Stable Management, and Racing Alpha.

- Launched

These are features that have gone through the development process and have now been deployed and are live within ZED.

How to use the ZED Product Board

Using Product Board is incredibly easy, which is why it's one of the reasons we went with using it.

Here are some basic steps for interacting with it and providing feedback directly to the ZED Development Team.

  1. Follow the link;
  2. Click on a Tab that is relevant, be it Under Consideration, Researching, or Under Development
  3. Click on the card you would like to provide input on, for example, ‘Tournaments’, which is ‘Under Consideration’
  4. Click on one of the three importance descriptors, which are
  • Nice-to-have,
  • Important, or
  • ‘Critical’.

After selecting the importance level, simply leave a comment, put in your email address and hit ‘Submit’.

Leaving Feedback on Product Board

And that's it! It's really as easy as that. Plus, you can leave as many comments on as many cards as you like.

The feedback left will go directly to the ZED Development team, significantly assisting with prioritisation and direction as our product grows and matures.

So, what are you waiting for? :)

Join Our Community 🐎

Head over to to buy your very own digital thoroughbred, or join one of our fast-growing social channels below;





ZED RUN is the first game of skill horse racing game to live not only on the blockchain but in an open market.