About Me — Zedo

From hating writing to finding my voice

Zedo Afandi
About Me Stories
3 min readAug 18, 2024


image owned by author

I’m not sure how writers usually introduce themselves, for books were always something I avoided, and reading was never a passion of mine. I’ll start by saying that English is always something I struggle with, and a large part of my posts is about improving myself as a writer while also finding a space to express my thoughts.

My name is Zedo, and I am the youngest of five. My mom always dreamed of having one more child, even after bringing four into the world. This is why I am here today: to answer her wish and make her proud. As I enter my last year of high school, I constantly reflect on how I envision my life in the future. My biggest fear is to be a disappointment or to live without a sense of value. With this blog, I aim to find myself through my constant reflections and the meaningful time spent with my thoughts. I want to utilize this opportunity to grow and strive for success. I plan to communicate honestly and look forward to posting consistently, starting with my story and continuing with my big visions and goals for the future.

I’m originally from Syria, but I grew up in Abu Dhabi with my siblings and family. I was spoiled in a sense, but not excessively. I was too young to think beyond my soccer league and FIFA games; life felt like sunshine and rainbows. I didn’t have much to worry about — just a rich kid attending private school, with friends and soccer defining my world. That was who I was, and it was what mattered to me as a child. After idolizing the West for 8 years, it was time to explore the other side of the world. From their top-notch healthcare system to their advanced education and opportunities, my parents were certain that moving to Canada was the right decision. With a mix of anxiousness and excitement filling me, my mother continued to cheer me up with optimism. She said, “ Life is full of new experiences and challenges, and we can’t avoid that. Constantly thinking of our sorrows only hinders us from reaching our true potential. Instead, we must reflect on our past, learn from our mistakes, and build on what has brought us success”. With her inspiring words bringing a smile to my face, I began to appreciate the good days and prayed for better ones in Canada.

I had my entire winter kit ready, though it was still summer. A few weeks after settling in, it was time to begin school. I was always a year younger than everybody else in my class because I started school early. My first three years were great, however, the situation wasn’t so similar for my father. For instance, he traveled back to check on his initially booming businesses. However, he was met with people suing each other repeatedly. Our wealth was rapidly declining, and the fact that no lawsuits went in our favor made the situation even worse. My father had lost most of his wealth back home, and it was time for a fresh start. I admire my father deeply for his strong work ethic and constant dedication to making sure we are comfortable, prioritizing our needs before his own. To this day, I am still not aware of the details of the incident or how everything suddenly went downhill. This has always been a sensitive topic, and I try not to bring it up often.

This was the introduction to my story, and I will conclude the post here. I look forward to posting consistently and improving the quality of my writing with each post!

If you enjoyed this post, then please leave a follow and comment below! This is just the start, and I have lots of new writings in the works for the future!

My Blog on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/zedowrites/

Reach out to me with feedback!





Zedo Afandi
About Me Stories

I am a highschool student and aspiring doctor. I aim to find my voice by sharing about my story, insights, and discussing topics that interest me.