How To Properly Use Python Local Variable — Easy Python Guide

Zeeshan Ali
1 min readJun 25, 2023


In this article, we’ll learn what Python local variable is and how to properly make use of it in Python code.

To better understand Python local variable, we’ll be using a practical Python code example with step by step explanation.

After reading this article, you’ll have a practical understanding of how to use local variables in Python.

So let’s just dive right into its practical implementation.

What is Python Local Variable?

It specifies a variable that is defined inside a function of Python or at some local scope. It can’t be accessed from outside of that function but can easily be accessed from inside of that specific function.

Let’s now properly understand how to define and use local variables in Python.

Implementing Python Local Variable (Easy Code Example)

Below section features the code example which will demonstrate how to make use of Python local variable. Continue reading…



Zeeshan Ali

I am a Python developer and I am here to share what i have learnt so far. Hope my posts will help you in your python development journey.