The Best Tech Of CES Of 2012

Zeem Veem
1 min readJan 1, 2022


consumer electronics is a poor measure for measuring the passage of time. And, frankly, consumer electronics shows are much worse. I did go to double-digit CES and experienced it the same way: like a week-long news flurry and shiny gadgets, news archive from trailers, press centers, hotel rooms, and floors of downtown corridors. conferences in the sometimes chimerical attempt to define trends. of the year.

The halls of the Las Vegas Convention Center and its many satellite showrooms and hotel suites are filled with the ghosts of good intentions and enforced obsolescence. This is the nature of the category. Some of the devices that have become our daily drivers in the past decade debuted at CES, but more often than not devices come and go if they ever end up on store shelves.

CES 2022 is going to be weird, a fact that has more to do with extenuating global circumstances than with anything going on in the living room (although, last time I heard, one of the Backstreet Boys will always be there to show off the housewife’s boxing gear).Issues relating to the relevance of In-person Predated Covid19 Conferences, obviously, although the ESC has always felt an exception, because of the importance of being in the same room with the announced material.

