Highlights from the new Ananas Whitepaper

Zeena Qureshi
6 min readSep 10, 2017

…and all you need to know about our token sale!

The Ananas Whitepaper v2.0 is now available to download, read and share. Simply go to our website and click on “Read Our Whitepaper” to read it, or download directly here.

The paper runs to a full 34 pages, in which we state our mission, set out our initial project (The Living Quran), and introduce you to our team, as well as outlining plans for our token sale, coming up next week on the 18th.

We’re proud of this paper. In the spirit of Ananas, it has been a collaborative effort — the fruit of several rounds of review and revisions, incorporating questions, comments and feedback from our team and our valued advisors. We hope you find it interesting, useful and inspiring, and we hope it gives you the context and confidence to get involved in our mission.

Before we get stuck into the details of the whitepaper, let’s start simple.

A taste of Ananas

Ananas is a nonprofit foundation committed to bringing together communities to promote peace and mutual understanding. We are helping the world fight hate through technology, by empowering people from all over the world to create and share the knowledge we need to make better informed decisions and perspectives about their beliefs.

We can’t do this alone of course. Don’t worry, we’re not naive. To achieve this ambitious mission, we hope to create a community with people from all places, cultures, and sorts of expertise. It will be this Ananas community, empowered with the tools and means the platform will provide, that will create the valuable resource on subjective knowledge, that can reverse the rising division and conflict in society.

It goes without saying of course, it will be accessible to all for free, and without ads.

Our vision is to make this resource the best of its kind, without depending on centralised authorities, one day fully autonomous and trusted by all. Through Ananas, subjective knowledge will be reclaimed by the people and communities to whom it belongs. The Ananas foundation is just to make sure it all progresses far enough, until we’re no longer needed.

We understand not everyone has the time to read tens of pages worth of dense material, but we really (really, really) would love to share our vision and ideas with you. So we have two bitesize pieces just for the busy bees out there, one of the vision we’re driven by, and one of the whitepaper.

120 second overview of our vision

  • A divided society hurts us all. Modern technology, when in the wrong hands, only worsens this problem by creating filter bubbles and selling ads. Ananas instead uses the power of technology to promote peace and understanding.
    It is time for technology to empower people, not corporates.
  • We are creating a resource to map and navigate the narratives most intimate to humanity’s colourful history, most defining of its diverse cultures and identities. Ananas will help foster mutual understanding and tolerance, fighting hate and conflict.
    Together, we will create a comprehensive, up-to-date, and authoritative resource open to all, ad-less and free to access.
  • The first project powered by Ananas, the Living Quran, will help combat the rise of Islamic extremism and Islamophobia. In time, we will map all of the world’s major texts, from the Quran to the Bible and US Constitution, and reclaim control of what has been too often victim of exploitation and distortion.
    By allowing communities to collaboratively define ideologies in a common format and verifiable process, we build understanding, unity, and resilience to manipulation.
  • Our cryptocurrency, the Anacoin, makes this possible. It aligns groups of differing viewpoints in building a platform that can benefit society in a scalable, verifiable manner. It allows the community to participate in the creation of something of real value.
    Blockchain technology is a gateway to new models of cooperation, models we are using to build bridges to understanding.
  • By combining cutting-edge technology, our collective wisdom, and the value in a token economy, we can create a private ecosystem. The result is a complex network of different systems, that will develop decentralized governance, self-sufficiency, and independence from outside influences.
    Only by creating a private ecosystem, with all the different goals and parts aligned, we can preserve the integrity, liberty, and openness of the shared treasure that is subjective knowledge.

Key takeaways from our whitepaper

The following is a brief introduction to our whitepaper. Of course, for exact details — operational, legal, technical, or otherwise — and how they interlink with other parts, you should consult the whitepaper itself.


We start with an introduction to who we are. That is, a non-profit foundation committed to promoting peace and fighting hate through technology. We are building an interactive platform that models the “ontologies” of ideologies — maps of the concepts that build these up and the relationships between them. The platform creates authoritative resources around which communities can gather. Our aim for the future is to make accurate digital texts accessible to everyone.


Next we outline our mission to spread peace through technology, and explain why we’re doing it. Simply, the information age is threatening to fall into an age of misinformation. Fake news and alternative facts seem more popular than peace and truth. A new era of understanding is required and we intend to be the architects of that era.

Three part structure

We explain how our platform builds and supports communities by creating authoritative resources around which they can gather. We describe the three part structure that underpins our mission: our community, our platforms and our consumer applications.

First project: The Living Quran

Next we announce Ananas’ first project, the Living Quran, which will tackle the rise of Islamic extremism and Islamophobia, allowing people from all over the world to dig into the core text of Islam, get help from knowledgeable individuals and make better informed decisions about their own beliefs. We walk you through the four stages that need to be completed in order to deliver on this promise.

Why Ananas is the solution

We go on to explain why Ananas is different, and why we believe we will succeed in our mission to promote peace through technology.

Token Economy

We have included a huge amount of information and granularity on our upcoming token sale, but if you require any more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Token Ethics

The emergent crypto and blockchain space is full of potential and diversity, but also uncertainty and risk. We strongly believe it’s in the best interests of everyone to clarify ethical guidelines for token economies and decentralized models. Other whitepapers seem to skip over the ethical obligations and imperatives that come with token issuance. We have chosen to declare our primary ethical stances and corresponding actions, as a contribution to the ongoing discussion, in the hope of setting a standard. This section is a work in progress and will be updated following feedback and ongoing research.


Finally we outline our roadmap, introduce our team and provide contact details so you can reach us to discuss our mission and get involved.

To read on in more detail, click here.

Our Crowdsale

At Ananas, we strongly believe in the power of community, and we want to provide an opportunity for as many people as possible to be a part of our mission. We are in the process of finishing the token sale details, to ensure it will be a secure and straightforward process, accessible for everyone.

The details of the sale are as follows:

  • Crowd sale date: 18th of September.
  • We will accept 25+ currencies — fiat and crypto.
  • There will be different options available to receive the tokens.
  • Whitelist registration opens a day before the sale.
    Out of security reasons, the method will be shared a day before the sale.

Full details will be made public within the coming days. Sign up here for details.

Any more questions?

We’d love to answer them!

Check our Frequently Asked Questions section on our website or send a message to us at information@ananas.org.uk.

Next up: our actual sale!

So now that you know all about Ananas, keep your eyes open as we count down towards our token sale date on the 18th September 2017.

Find out here how you can participate, join our mailing list, and be a part of our journey.

