Zeepin will launch its TestNet on April 23rd

2 min readApr 11, 2018


-A big step forward for leading the creative industries towards decentralization

Nothing could be more thrilling than the moment of sharing noticeable progress with all Zeepiners from around the world. Today, we are proud to announce that Zeepin will launch its own TestNet on April 23rd. It’s a big day to remember for every member of Zeepin team who has been working hard day and night, for our ecological partners and for all Zeepiners who have never failed to be supportive from the very beginning.

The UI of our first planned dApp ZeeRights has been redesigned for better visual effects. The iteration of the front-end and back-end technology is underway and in line with the progress of Zeepin Chain. Other than looking more likable, the redesign on UI will contribute greatly to foster seamless interconnection of each dApp in Zeepin ecosystem. The test version will be launched next month as scheduled.

Zeepin has teamed up with Ontology, working against the clock in a move to launch a customized Zeepin Chain. Multiple rounds of closed tests will be conducted before the official launch of TestNet. Rapid iteration in diverse versions adapted to Zeepin Chain will lead to a sound mechanism that nurtures the infrastructure of both, creative industries and blockchain-powered projects. Moreover, the general module in various kinds of distributed applications will be iterated from time to time. What makes creative industries fully and readily embrace blockchain? Leading elements like building up trust mechanism, digitizing the industry-wide resources, digital ID on blockchain and digital asset certificate must be baked into this revolution.

Starting from the idea of using blockchain to solve the most burning problems facing creative industries in 2017, to the publication of the white paper later in 2017, Zeepin’s quest for a fair and transparent ecosystem has never stopped. A big step forward for Zeepin this year is the launch of its own TestNet.

In Zeepin’s commitment to revolutionizing the creative industries with the power of blockchain while increasing the awareness of what creative industries can contribute to the blockchain world, Zeepin has developed the underlying blockchain-based infrastructure and business framework customized for its community and various applications. In addition, the whole structure supports application based on the consistency of massive data including credit investigation, digital copyright, counterfeiting, where assets can be easily digitized, converted and used for payment with the help of atomic transactions on the blockchain. On top of these, an extended smart contract will help the application of multiple dApps realized.

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A decentralized network for creators & creative assets. |website: https://www.zeepin.io |