2nd Round of Zeepin Chain Masternodes Election ANN

2 min readJul 8, 2019


Dear Zeepiners,

By the 10th of July, Zeepin Foundation will complete the snapshots for each month in the past Q2 and distribute the incentive rewards in ZPT and Gala for the Galaxy Node mortgages.

In the third quarter, zee series dApps will continue to be launched along with the dApp distribution platform in Galaxy.One sub-ecosystem — Galaxy Play. It is promising that Zeepin Chain will achieve continuous breakthrough in TPS. To make the distribution of Galaxy Node Cluster of Zeepin ecosystem more even, stable, efficient and safe, we are opening a new round of consensus node election on July, 10th to involve more users to take part in the guardianship of our Galaxy network together.

Election rules:

  • Minimum mortgage: >=1,000,000ZPT
  • Hardware requirement: CPU>=8Core + MEM>=16G + DISK/SSD>=500G ( AWS / c5.2xlarge ).
    Note: All the Galaxy nodes should upgrade to this hardware onfiguration within 2 weeks, the nodes that are up to standard will be marked as silent nodes.
  • Bandwidth requirement: >=10M/S
  • Tech requirement:
    a. Familiar with Linux systems and configurations, such as firewalls, ports, VPN tunnels, etc.
    b. Capable of completing node deployment, maintenance, and operation independently.
    c. Able to pas the technical team’s security and performance evaluation.
  • Consensus planet: Must own >=1 consensus planet in order to apply for election

System evaluation:

a. Security assessment of system configuration, firewall policy, etc.

b. Evaluate system load stress assessment, stability, safety, and network environment

c. Evaluate the communication speed of nodes and Galaxy network

d. After the evaluation is done, you can officially access the Galaxy network.

Punishment mechanism:

If the node hardwar or internet status affects the Galaxy network, the node will enter the silent period of 2 consensus cycles ( 240,000 blockheight). During the silent period, the published node won’t be able to participate in block generation or learn extra rewards from Zeepin Foundation. If the node failures happened twice or more, it would be removed from the Galaxy network for rectification.

Deployment documentation: ZeepinChain 0.2.6:


Election procedure and incentive mechanism:


Economic model intro:


About Zeepin Whitepaper:


Community Guidebook:


Zeepin Chain Technical manual:


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A decentralized network for creators & creative assets. |website: https://www.zeepin.io |